Articles | Volume 15, issue 11
Research article
25 Nov 2024
Research article |  | 25 Nov 2024

The Miocene subsidence pattern of the NW Zagros foreland basin reflects the southeastward propagating tear of the Neotethys slab

Renas I. Koshnaw, Jonas Kley, and Fritz Schlunegger

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Detrital zircon provenance record of the Zagros mountain building from the Neotethys obduction to the Arabia–Eurasia collision, NW Zagros fold–thrust belt, Kurdistan region of Iraq
Renas I. Koshnaw, Fritz Schlunegger, and Daniel F. Stockli
Solid Earth, 12, 2479–2501,,, 2021
Short summary

Cited articles

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Short summary
This study investigates how Earth's geodynamic processes shaped the NW Zagros mountain belt in the Middle East. The Neogene foreland basin underwent subsidence due to the load of the surface and the subducting slab and was later influenced by the Neotethys horizontal slab tearing and the associated asthenospheric mantle flow during the Late Miocene and onward.