Articles | Volume 6, issue 2
Research article
21 May 2015
Research article |  | 21 May 2015

Syn-eruptive, soft-sediment deformation of deposits from dilute pyroclastic density current: triggers from granular shear, dynamic pore pressure, ballistic impacts and shock waves

G. A. Douillet, B. Taisne, È Tsang-Hin-Sun, S. K. Müller, U. Kueppers, and D. B. Dingwell


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Short summary
Sedimentary beds can exhibit signs of local deformation in pyroclastic strata. Patterns are reviewed and trigger mechanisms interpreted. During an eruption, basal granular flows can have a fluidized behavior, inducing over- or underpressure at the bed interface. Basal shear can overturn strata. Large blocks ejected ballistically deform the ground when landing. Explosions at the vent produce shock waves that can destabilize a bed. These syn-eruptive triggers are specific to explosive volcanism.