Articles | Volume 9, issue 5
Research article
22 Oct 2018
Research article |  | 22 Oct 2018

Permian plume beneath Tarim from receiver functions

Lev Vinnik, Yangfan Deng, Grigoriy Kosarev, Sergey Oreshin, and Larissa Makeyeva


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Short summary
We used seismology data to estimate the thickness of the MTZ and found it thinned beneath Tarim, which is exactly beneath the Permian basalts. This relation can be reconciled with coherent translation of a tectosphere that extends to a depth of 410 km or more. Combined with observations in the Siberian large igneous province and Greenland, these features may confirm the existence of a deep tectosphere. Alternatively, the shift of Tarim is less than predicted by an order of magnitude.