03 Feb 2014
 | 03 Feb 2014
Status: this preprint has been retracted.

Modelling of the wave fields by the modification of the matrix method in anisotropic media

A. Pavlova

Abstract. The modification of the matrix method of construction of wave field on the free surface of an anisotropic medium is presented. The earthquake source represented by a randomly oriented force or a seismic moment tensor is placed on an arbitrary boundary of a layered anisotropic medium. The theory of the matrix propagator in a homogeneous anisotropic medium by introducing a "wave propagator" is presented. It is shown that, for an anisotropic layered medium, the matrix propagator can be represented by a "wave propagator" in each layer. The matrix propagator P (z, z0 = 0) acts on the free surface of the layered medium and generates stress-displacement vector at depth z. The displacement field on the free surface of an anisotropic medium is obtained from the received system of equations considering the radiation condition and that the free surface is stressless. The approbation of the modification of the matrix method for isotropic and anisotropic media with TI symmetry is done. A comparative analysis of our results with the synthetic seismic records obtained by other methods and published in foreign papers is executed.

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A. Pavlova

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Interactive discussion

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A. Pavlova
A. Pavlova


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