28 Jul 2017
 | 28 Jul 2017
Status: this preprint was under review for the journal SE but the revision was not accepted.

Should oasification be ignored when examining desertification in Northwest China?

Dongwei Gui, Jie Xue, Yi Liu, Jiaqiang Lei, and Fanjiang Zeng

Abstract. There has been substantial expansion of oases in the Northwest of China in recent decades; however, research has largely focused on desertification rather than oasification and its associated mechanisms. Based on the description of desertification in arid regions and other regions, and analysis of oasification in arid or hyper-arid areas, we firstly elucidate the theoretical relationship between oasification and desertification. We then examine the current understanding in oasification research, and propose that this will enhance our understanding of desertification through the integration of studies of oasification. Finally, we suggest three potential topics for future oasification research. We also propose a simple conceptual model for the identification of an appropriate oasis size under different land uses, including the crucial assessment of associated uncertainties. Based on the analysis of oasification research from an epistemological and methodological perspective, we suggest that oasification should have equal research status to desertification in arid regions.

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Dongwei Gui, Jie Xue, Yi Liu, Jiaqiang Lei, and Fanjiang Zeng
Status: closed
Status: closed
AC: Author comment | RC: Referee comment | SC: Short comment | EC: Editor comment
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Status: closed
Status: closed
AC: Author comment | RC: Referee comment | SC: Short comment | EC: Editor comment
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Dongwei Gui, Jie Xue, Yi Liu, Jiaqiang Lei, and Fanjiang Zeng
Dongwei Gui, Jie Xue, Yi Liu, Jiaqiang Lei, and Fanjiang Zeng


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Short summary
This paper clarifies the dialectical relationship between oasification and desertification in arid regions, and it also elucidates the significance of oasification research in Northwest China. Furthermore, the study points out the key point in the oasification research.