Articles | Volume 11, issue 4
Research article
31 Aug 2020
Research article |  | 31 Aug 2020

Regional-scale paleofluid system across the Tuscan Nappe–Umbria–Marche Apennine Ridge (northern Apennines) as revealed by mesostructural and isotopic analyses of stylolite–vein networks

Nicolas E. Beaudoin, Aurélie Labeur, Olivier Lacombe, Daniel Koehn, Andrea Billi, Guilhem Hoareau, Adrian Boyce, Cédric M. John, Marta Marchegiano, Nick M. Roberts, Ian L. Millar, Fanny Claverie, Christophe Pecheyran, and Jean-Paul Callot

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The virtual spot approach: a simple method for image U-Pb carbonate geochronology by high-repetition rate LA-ICP-MS
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EGUsphere,,, 2024
This preprint is open for discussion and under review for Geochronology (GChron).
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Dating folding beyond folding, from layer-parallel shortening to fold tightening, using mesostructures: lessons from the Apennines, Pyrenees, and Rocky Mountains
Olivier Lacombe, Nicolas E. Beaudoin, Guilhem Hoareau, Aurélie Labeur, Christophe Pecheyran, and Jean-Paul Callot
Solid Earth, 12, 2145–2157,,, 2021
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Laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS) U–Pb carbonate geochronology: strategies, progress, and limitations
Nick M. W. Roberts, Kerstin Drost, Matthew S. A. Horstwood, Daniel J. Condon, David Chew, Henrik Drake, Antoni E. Milodowski, Noah M. McLean, Andrew J. Smye, Richard J. Walker, Richard Haslam, Keith Hodson, Jonathan Imber, Nicolas Beaudoin, and Jack K. Lee
Geochronology, 2, 33–61,,, 2020
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Subject area: The evolving Earth surface | Editorial team: Rock deformation, geomorphology, morphotectonics, and paleoseismology | Discipline: Structural geology
Application of anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) fabrics to determine the kinematics of active tectonics: examples from the Betic Cordillera, Spain, and the Northern Apennines, Italy
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Fault-controlled fluid circulation and diagenesis along basin-bounding fault systems in rifts – insights from the East Greenland rift system
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Cited articles

Agosta, F., Alessandroni, M., Antonellini, M., Tondi, E., and Giorgioni, M.: From fractures to flow: A field-based quantitative analysis of an outcropping carbonate reservoir, Tectonophysics, 490, 197–213,, 2010. 
Agosta, F., Luetkemeyer, P. B., Lamarche, J., Crider, J. G., and Lacombe, O.: An introduction to the Special Issue: The role of fluids in faulting and fracturing in carbonates and other upper crustal rocks, Tectonophysics, 690, 1–3, 2016. 
Ahmadhadi, F., Daniel, J. M., Azzizadeh, M., and Lacombe, O.: Evidence for pre-folding vein development in the Oligo-Miocene Asmari Formation in the Central Zagros Fold Belt, Iran, Tectonics, 27,, 2008. 
Amrouch, K., Lacombe, O., Bellahsen, N., Daniel, J. M., and Callot, J. P.: Stress and strain patterns, kinematics and deformation mechanisms in a basement-cored anticline: Sheep Mountain Anticline, Wyoming, Tectonics, 29, TC1005,, 2010.  
Anastasio, D., Kodama, K., and Parés, J.: Episodic deforamtion rates recovered from growth strata, Pyrenees, Search and Discovery Article, 30553, 2018. 
Short summary
This paper reports a multiproxy approach to reconstruct the depth, timing, and extent of the past fluid flow during the formation of a fold-and-thrust belt in the Northern Apennines, Italy. The unique combination of paleopiezometry and absolute dating returns the absolute timing of the sequence of deformation. Combined with burial models, this leads to predict the expected temperatures for fluid, highlighting a limited hydrothermal fluid flow we relate to the large-scale subsurface geometry.