Articles | Volume 12, issue 10
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© Author(s) 2021. This work is distributed under
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What makes seep carbonates ignore self-sealing and grow vertically: the role of burrowing decapod crustaceans
Jean-Philippe Blouet
Department of Geosciences, University of Fribourg, 1700 Fribourg, Switzerland
Department of Geosciences, Environment and Society, Université Libre de Bruxelles, 1050 Brussels, Belgium
Fluid Venting System Research Group, 54000 Nancy, France
Patrice Imbert
Fluid Venting System Research Group, 54000 Nancy, France
Laboratoire des fluides complexes et leurs réservoirs, LFCR, E2S-UPPA, CNRS, TotalEnergies, Université de Pau et Pays de l'Adour, 64000 Pau, France
Sutieng Ho
Fluid Venting System Research Group, 54000 Nancy, France
Ocean Center, National Taiwan University, 10671 Taipei, Taiwan
Andreas Wetzel
Department of Environmental Sciences – Geology, University of Basel, 4056 Basel, Switzerland
Anneleen Foubert
Department of Geosciences, University of Fribourg, 1700 Fribourg, Switzerland
Related authors
Sutieng Ho, Martin Hovland, Jean-Philippe Blouet, Andreas Wetzel, Patrice Imbert, and Daniel Carruthers
Solid Earth, 9, 1437–1468,,, 2018
Short summary
Short summary
A newly discovered type of hydrocarbon leakage structure is investigated following the preliminary works of Ho (2013; et al. 2012, 2013, 2016): blade-shaped gas chimneys instead of classical cylindrical ones. These so-called
Linear Chimneysare hydraulic fractures caused by overpressured hydrocarbon fluids breaching cover sediments along preferential directions. These directions are dictated by anisotropic stresses induced by faulting in sediments and pre-existing salt-diapiric structures.
Anneleen Foubert, Derek Keir, Balemwal Atnafu, Tesfaye Kidane, and the ADD-ON Workshop Consortium
Sci. Dril., 33, 207–218,,, 2024
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The Dallol area (northern Afar, Ethiopia) is the ideal field lab to study the birth of a future ocean. The ADD-ON workshop brought together scientists from different disciplines, government agencies, local universities, and communities to plan a scientific drilling into the Dallol deep subsurface. This drilling will provide unique archives to resolve questions related to rift processes, seismic and volcanic activity, climate change, the deep biosphere, geothermal energy, and water resources.
Maxim Rubin-Blum, Eyal Rahav, Guy Sisma-Ventura, Yana Yudkovski, Zoya Harbozov, Or Bialik, Oded Ezra, Anneleen Foubert, Barak Herut, and Yizhaq Makovsky
EGUsphere,,, 2024
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Geochemical cycles and biodiversity are altered at transition zones of chemosynthetic ecosystems, chemotones. We asked if burrowing alters the functionality of these habitats. We surveyed the seafloor, analyzed sediment properties, and explored microbial communities in ghost shrimp burrows. We made an exciting discovery of chemosynthetic biofilms, linking them to macromolecule turnover and nutrient cycling, using metagenomics. This phenomenon may play an important role in biogeochemical cycles.
Robin Fentimen, Eline Feenstra, Andres Rüggeberg, Efraim Hall, Valentin Rime, Torsten Vennemann, Irka Hajdas, Antonietta Rosso, David Van Rooij, Thierry Adatte, Hendrik Vogel, Norbert Frank, and Anneleen Foubert
Clim. Past, 18, 1915–1945,,, 2022
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The investigation of a 9 m long sediment core recovered at ca. 300 m water depth demonstrates that cold-water coral mound build-up within the East Melilla Coral Province (southeastern Alboran Sea) took place during both interglacial and glacial periods. Based on the combination of different analytical methods (e.g. radiometric dating, micropaleontology), we propose that corals never thrived but rather developed under stressful environmental conditions.
Robin Fentimen, Eline Feenstra, Andres Rüggeberg, Efraim Hall, Valentin Rime, Torsten Vennemann, Irka Hajdas, Antonietta Rosso, David Van Rooij, Thierry Adatte, Hendrik Vogel, Norbert Frank, Thomas Krengel, and Anneleen Foubert
Clim. Past Discuss.,,, 2020
Manuscript not accepted for further review
Short summary
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This study describes the development of a cold-water Coral mound in the southeast alboran sea over the last 300 ky. Mound development follows interglacial-glacial cycles.
Sutieng Ho, Martin Hovland, Jean-Philippe Blouet, Andreas Wetzel, Patrice Imbert, and Daniel Carruthers
Solid Earth, 9, 1437–1468,,, 2018
Short summary
Short summary
A newly discovered type of hydrocarbon leakage structure is investigated following the preliminary works of Ho (2013; et al. 2012, 2013, 2016): blade-shaped gas chimneys instead of classical cylindrical ones. These so-called
Linear Chimneysare hydraulic fractures caused by overpressured hydrocarbon fluids breaching cover sediments along preferential directions. These directions are dictated by anisotropic stresses induced by faulting in sediments and pre-existing salt-diapiric structures.
Related subject area
Subject area: The evolving Earth surface | Editorial team: Stratigraphy, sedimentology, geomorphology, morphotectonics, and palaeontology | Discipline: Sedimentology
What does it take to restore geological models with “natural” boundary conditions?
Impact of stress regime change on the permeability of a naturally fractured carbonate buildup (Latemar, the Dolomites, northern Italy)
The influence of extraction of various solvents on chemical properties on Chang 7 shale, Ordos Basin, China
Deep vs. shallow – two contrasting theories? A tectonically activated Late Cretaceous deltaic system in the axial part of the Mid-Polish Trough: a case study from southeast Poland
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Dawn and dusk of Late Cretaceous basin inversion in central Europe
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Birth and closure of the Kallipetra Basin: Late Cretaceous reworking of the Jurassic Pelagonian–Axios/Vardar contact (northern Greece)
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Tectonic processes, variations in sediment flux, and eustatic sea level recorded by the 20 Myr old Burdigalian transgression in the Swiss Molasse basin
Miocene basement exhumation in the Central Alps recorded by detrital garnet geochemistry in foreland basin deposits
Can anaerobic oxidation of methane prevent seafloor gas escape in a warming climate?
Precipitation of dolomite from seawater on a Carnian coastal plain (Dolomites, northern Italy): evidence from carbonate petrography and Sr isotopes
The Ogooue Fan (offshore Gabon): a modern example of deep-sea fan on a complex slope profile
Formation of linear planform chimneys controlled by preferential hydrocarbon leakage and anisotropic stresses in faulted fine-grained sediments, offshore Angola
From oil field to geothermal reservoir: assessment for geothermal utilization of two regionally extensive Devonian carbonate aquifers in Alberta, Canada
Sedimentary mechanisms of a modern banded iron formation on Milos Island, Greece
Melchior Schuh-Senlis, Guillaume Caumon, and Paul Cupillard
Solid Earth, 15, 945–964,,, 2024
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This paper presents the application of a numerical method for restoring models of the subsurface to a previous state in their deformation history, acting as a numerical time machine for geological structures. The method is applied to a model based on a laboratory experiment. The results show that using force conditions in the computation of the deformation allows us to assess the value of some previously unknown physical parameters of the different materials inside the model.
Onyedika Anthony Igbokwe, Jithender J. Timothy, Ashwani Kumar, Xiao Yan, Mathias Mueller, Alessandro Verdecchia, Günther Meschke, and Adrian Immenhauser
Solid Earth, 15, 763–787,,, 2024
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We present a workflow that models the impact of stress regime change on the permeability of fractured Latemar carbonate buildup using a displacement-based linear elastic finite-element method (FEM) and outcrop data. Stress-dependent heterogeneous apertures and effective permeability were calculated and constrained by the study area's stress directions. Simulated far-field stresses at NW–SE subsidence deformation and N–S Alpine deformation increased the overall fracture aperture and permeability.
Yan Cao, Zhijun Jin, Rukai Zhu, and Kouqi Liu
Solid Earth, 14, 1169–1179,,, 2023
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Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) was performed on shale before and after solvent extraction. The extraction yield from shale with THF is higher than other solvents. The organic-C-normalized yield of a mature sample is higher than other samples. The aromaticity of organic matter increases, and the length of organic matter aliphatic chains does not vary monotonically with increasing maturity. The results will help in the selection of organic solvents for oil-washing experiments of shale.
Zbyszek Remin, Michał Cyglicki, and Mariusz Niechwedowicz
Solid Earth, 13, 681–703,,, 2022
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Traditionally, the axial part of the Polish Basin, i.e. the Mid-Polish Trough, was interpreted as the deepest and most subsiding part of the basin during the Cretaceous times. We interpret this area conversely, as representing a landmass – the Łysogóry–Dobrogea Land. Inversion-related tectonics, uplift on the one hand and enhanced subsidence on the other, drove the development of the Szozdy Delta within the axial part of the basin. New heavy mineral data suggest different burial histories.
Emilija Krsnik, Katharina Methner, Marion Campani, Svetlana Botsyun, Sebastian G. Mutz, Todd A. Ehlers, Oliver Kempf, Jens Fiebig, Fritz Schlunegger, and Andreas Mulch
Solid Earth, 12, 2615–2631,,, 2021
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Here we present new surface elevation constraints for the middle Miocene Central Alps based on stable and clumped isotope geochemical analyses. Our reconstructed paleoelevation estimate is supported by isotope-enabled paleoclimate simulations and indicates that the Miocene Central Alps were characterized by a heterogeneous and spatially transient topography with high elevations locally exceeding 4000 m.
Thomas Voigt, Jonas Kley, and Silke Voigt
Solid Earth, 12, 1443–1471,,, 2021
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Basin inversion in central Europe is believed to have started during Late Cretaceous (middle Turonian) and probably proceeded until the Paleogene. Data from different marginal troughs in central Europe point to an earlier start of basin inversion (in the Cenomanian). The end of inversion is overprinted by general uplift but had probably already occurred in the late Campanian to Maastrichtian. Both the start and end of inversion occurred with low rates of uplift and subsidence.
Arne Jacob, Markus Peltz, Sina Hale, Frieder Enzmann, Olga Moravcova, Laurence N. Warr, Georg Grathoff, Philipp Blum, and Michael Kersten
Solid Earth, 12, 1–14,,, 2021
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In this work, we combined different imaging and experimental measuring methods for analysis of cross-scale effects which reduce permeability of tight reservoir rocks. Simulated permeability of digital images of rocks is often overestimated, which is caused by non-resolvable clay content within the pores of a rock. By combining FIB-SEM with micro-XCT imaging, we were able to simulate the true clay mineral abundance to match experimentally measured permeability with simulated permeability.
Lydia R. Bailey, Filippo L. Schenker, Maria Giuditta Fellin, Miriam Cobianchi, Thierry Adatte, and Vincenzo Picotti
Solid Earth, 11, 2463–2485,,, 2020
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The Kallipetra Basin, formed in the Late Cretaceous on the reworked Pelagonian–Axios–Vardar contact in the Hellenides, is described for the first time. We document how and when the basin evolved in response to tectonic forcings and basin inversion. Cenomanian extension and basin widening was followed by Turonian compression and basin inversion. Thrusting occurred earlier than previously reported in the literature, with a vergence to the NE, at odds with the regional SW vergence of the margin.
Georg Schwamborn, Kai Hartmann, Bernd Wünnemann, Wolfgang Rösler, Annette Wefer-Roehl, Jörg Pross, Marlen Schlöffel, Franziska Kobe, Pavel E. Tarasov, Melissa A. Berke, and Bernhard Diekmann
Solid Earth, 11, 1375–1398,,, 2020
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We use a sediment core from the Gobi Desert (Ejina Basin, NW China) to illustrate the landscape history of the area. During 2.5 million years a sediment package of 223 m thickness has been accumulated. Various sediment types document that the area turned from a playa environment (shallow water environment with multiple flooding events) to an alluvial–fluvial environment after the arrival of the Heihe in the area. The river has been diverted due to tectonics.
Philippos Garefalakis and Fritz Schlunegger
Solid Earth, 10, 2045–2072,,, 2019
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The controls on the 20 Myr old Burdigalian transgression in the Swiss Molasse basin have been related to a reduction in sediment flux, a rise in global sea level, or tectonic processes in the adjacent Alps. Here, we readdress this problem and extract stratigraphic signals from the Upper Marine Molasse deposits in Switzerland. In conclusion, we consider rollback tectonics to be the main driving force controlling the transgression, which is related to a deepening and widening of the basin.
Laura Stutenbecker, Peter M. E. Tollan, Andrea Madella, and Pierre Lanari
Solid Earth, 10, 1581–1595,,, 2019
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The Aar and Mont Blanc regions in the Alps are large granitoid massifs characterized by high topography. We analyse when these granitoids were first exhumed to the surface. We test this by tracking specific garnet grains, which are exclusively found in the granitoid massifs, in the sediments contained in the alpine foreland basin. This research ties in with ongoing debates on the timing and mechanisms of mountain building.
Christian Stranne, Matt O'Regan, Martin Jakobsson, Volker Brüchert, and Marcelo Ketzer
Solid Earth, 10, 1541–1554,,, 2019
Maximilian Rieder, Wencke Wegner, Monika Horschinegg, Stefanie Klackl, Nereo Preto, Anna Breda, Susanne Gier, Urs Klötzli, Stefano M. Bernasconi, Gernot Arp, and Patrick Meister
Solid Earth, 10, 1243–1267,,, 2019
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The formation of dolomite (CaMg(CO3)2), an abundant mineral in Earth's geological record, is still incompletely understood. We studied dolomites embedded in a 100 m thick succession of coastal alluvial clays of Triassic age in the southern Alps. Observation by light microscopy and Sr isotopes suggests that dolomites may spontaneously from concentrated evaporating seawater, in coastal ephemeral lakes or tidal flats along the western margin of the Triassic Tethys sea.
Salomé Mignard, Thierry Mulder, Philippe Martinez, and Thierry Garlan
Solid Earth, 10, 851–869,,, 2019
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A large quantity a continental material is transported to the oceans by the world rivers. Once in the ocean, these particles can be transported down the continental shelf thanks to underwater avalanches. The repetition of such massive events can form very important sedimentary deposits at the continent–ocean transition. Data obtained during an oceanic cruise in 2010 allowed us to study such a system located offshore of Gabon and to evaluate the importance sediment transport in this area.
Sutieng Ho, Martin Hovland, Jean-Philippe Blouet, Andreas Wetzel, Patrice Imbert, and Daniel Carruthers
Solid Earth, 9, 1437–1468,,, 2018
Short summary
Short summary
A newly discovered type of hydrocarbon leakage structure is investigated following the preliminary works of Ho (2013; et al. 2012, 2013, 2016): blade-shaped gas chimneys instead of classical cylindrical ones. These so-called
Linear Chimneysare hydraulic fractures caused by overpressured hydrocarbon fluids breaching cover sediments along preferential directions. These directions are dictated by anisotropic stresses induced by faulting in sediments and pre-existing salt-diapiric structures.
Leandra M. Weydt, Claus-Dieter J. Heldmann, Hans G. Machel, and Ingo Sass
Solid Earth, 9, 953–983,,, 2018
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This study focuses on the assessment of the geothermal potential of two extensive upper Devonian aquifer systems within the Alberta Basin (Canada). Our work provides a first database on geothermal rock properties combined with detailed facies analysis (outcrop and core samples), enabling the identification of preferred zones in the reservoir and thus allowing for a more reliable reservoir prediction. This approach forms the basis for upcoming reservoir studies with a focus on 3-D modelling.
Ernest Chi Fru, Stephanos Kilias, Magnus Ivarsson, Jayne E. Rattray, Katerina Gkika, Iain McDonald, Qian He, and Curt Broman
Solid Earth, 9, 573–598,,, 2018
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Banded iron formations (BIFs) are chemical sediments last seen in the marine sedimentary record ca. 600 million years ago. Here, we report on the formation mechanisms of a modern BIF analog in the Cape Vani sedimentary basin (CVSB) on Milos Island, Greece, demonstrating that rare environmental redox conditions, coupled to submarine hydrothermal activity and microbial processes, are required for these types of rocks to form in the modern marine biosphere.
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Short summary
Biochemical reactions related to hydrocarbon seepage are known to induce carbonates in marine sediments. Seep carbonates may act as seals and force lateral deviations of rising hydrocarbons. However, crustacean burrows may act as efficient vertical fluid channels allowing hydrocarbons to pass through upward, thereby allowing the vertical growth of carbonate stacks over time. This mechanism may explain the origin of carbonate columns in marine sediments throughout hydrocarbon provinces worldwide.
Biochemical reactions related to hydrocarbon seepage are known to induce carbonates in marine...