Articles | Volume 16, issue 3
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Hydroxyl in eclogitic garnet, orthopyroxene, and oriented inclusion-bearing clinopyroxene, western Norway
Dirk Spengler
Department of Mineralogy, Petrography and Geochemistry, AGH University of Krakow, al. A. Mickiewicza 30, 30-059 Krakow, Poland
Monika Koch-Müller
Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum GFZ, Telegrafenberg, 14473 Potsdam, Germany
Adam Włodek
Department of Mineralogy, Petrography and Geochemistry, AGH University of Krakow, al. A. Mickiewicza 30, 30-059 Krakow, Poland
Simon J. Cuthbert
Department of Mineralogy, Petrography and Geochemistry, AGH University of Krakow, al. A. Mickiewicza 30, 30-059 Krakow, Poland
Jarosław Majka
Department of Mineralogy, Petrography and Geochemistry, AGH University of Krakow, al. A. Mickiewicza 30, 30-059 Krakow, Poland
Department of Earth Sciences, Uppsala University, Villavägen 16, 752-36 Uppsala, Sweden
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Dirk Spengler, Adam Włodek, Xin Zhong, Anselm Loges, and Simon J. Cuthbert
Eur. J. Mineral., 35, 1125–1147,,, 2023
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Rock lenses from the diamond stability field (>120 km depth) within ordinary gneiss are enigmatic. Even more when these lenses form an alternating exposure pattern with ordinary lenses. We studied 10 lenses from W Norway and found that many of them have a hidden history. Tiny needles of quartz enclosed in old pyroxene cores are evidence for a rock origin at great depth. These needles survived the rocks' passage to the surface that variably obscured the mineral chemistry – the rocks' memory.
Monika Koch-Müller, Christian Lathe, Bernd Wunder, Oona Appelt, Shrikant Bhat, Andreas Ebert, Robert Farla, Vladimir Roddatis, Anja Schreiber, and Richard Wirth
Eur. J. Mineral., 36, 1023–1036,,, 2024
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We examined the influence of Al2O3 and H2O on the position of the coesite–stishovite transition by means of in situ X‑ray diffraction measurements with the large-volume press at the synchrotron PETRA III in Hamburg. The position of the transition was found to be shifted almost in parallel by about 1.5 GPa to lower pressures compared to results for the pure SiO2 system by Ono et al. (2017). Stishovite of this study containing Al and H is only partially quenchable but transforms back to coesite.
Christian Lathe, Monika Koch-Müller, Bernd Wunder, Oona Appelt, Melanie Sieber, Shrikant Bhat, and Robert Farla
Eur. J. Mineral., 35, 1149–1157,,, 2023
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We examined the reaction phase A plus high-P clinoenstatite to forsterite plus water (Reaction 1) by means of in situ X-ray diffraction measurements with the large volume press at the synchrotron PETRA III, Hamburg. Contrary to other studies, in which all experiments on Reaction (1) were performed at a water activity of 1, the reversed experiments presented in this study were performed at reduced water activity with mole fractions of about XH2O = XCO2 = 0.5.
Dirk Spengler, Adam Włodek, Xin Zhong, Anselm Loges, and Simon J. Cuthbert
Eur. J. Mineral., 35, 1125–1147,,, 2023
Short summary
Short summary
Rock lenses from the diamond stability field (>120 km depth) within ordinary gneiss are enigmatic. Even more when these lenses form an alternating exposure pattern with ordinary lenses. We studied 10 lenses from W Norway and found that many of them have a hidden history. Tiny needles of quartz enclosed in old pyroxene cores are evidence for a rock origin at great depth. These needles survived the rocks' passage to the surface that variably obscured the mineral chemistry – the rocks' memory.
Melanie J. Sieber, Max Wilke, Oona Appelt, Marcus Oelze, and Monika Koch-Müller
Eur. J. Mineral., 34, 411–424,,, 2022
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Carbonates reduce the melting point of the mantle, and carbonate melts produced in low-degree melting of a carbonated mantle are considered the precursor of CO2-rich magmas. We established experimentally the melting relations of carbonates up to 9 GPa, showing that Mg-carbonates melt incongruently to periclase and carbonate melt. The trace element signature of carbonate melts parental to kimberlites is approached by melting of Mg-rich carbonates.
Christian Lathe, Monika Koch-Müller, Bernd Wunder, Oona Appelt, Shrikant Bhat, and Robert Farla
Eur. J. Mineral., 34, 201–213,,, 2022
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The equilibrium phase of A + HP clinoenstatite = forsterite + water was experimentally investigated at aH2O = 1 in situ. In cold subducting slabs, it is of relevance to transport water to large depths, initiating the formation of dense hydrous magnesium silicate (DHMS). At normal gradients, the huge water amount from this reaction induces important processes within the overlying mantle wedge. We additionally discuss the relevance of this reaction for intermediate-depth earthquake formation.
Monika Koch-Müller, Oona Appelt, Bernd Wunder, and Richard Wirth
Eur. J. Mineral., 33, 675–686,,, 2021
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Dense hydrous magnesium silicates, like the 3.65 Å phase, are thought to cause deep earthquakes. We investigated the dehydration of the 3.65 Å phase at P and T. In both directions of the investigated simple reaction, additional metastable water-rich phases occur. The observed extreme reduction in grain size in the dehydration experiments might cause mechanical instabilities in the Earth’s mantle and, finally, induce earthquakes.
Fernando Cámara, Dan Holtstam, Nils Jansson, Erik Jonsson, Andreas Karlsson, Jörgen Langhof, Jaroslaw Majka, and Anders Zetterqvist
Eur. J. Mineral., 33, 659–673,,, 2021
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Zinkgruvanite, a barium manganese iron silicate with sulfate, is a new mineral found in drill core samples from the Zinkgruvan zinc, lead and silver mine in Sweden. It is associated with other minerals like baryte, barytocalcite, diopside and sulfide minerals. It occurs as flattened and elongated crystals up to 1 mm. It is almost black. Zinkgruvanite is closely related to the mineral yoshimuraite and based on its crystal structure, grouped with the ericssonite group of minerals.
Nada Abdel-Hak, Bernd Wunder, Ilias Efthimiopoulos, and Monika Koch-Müller
Eur. J. Mineral., 32, 469–482,,, 2020
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The structural response of the NH4+ molecule to temperature and pressure changes is studied in ammonium phengite. The symmetry of the molecule is lowered by increasing P or decreasing T; the type and mechanism of this lowered symmetry is different in both cases. Devolatilisation (NH4+ and OH loss) of ammonium phengite is studied as well. This study confirms the wide stability range of phengite and its volatiles and thus has important implications for N and H recycling into the deep Earth.
Related subject area
Subject area: Tectonic plate interactions, magma genesis, and lithosphere deformation at all scales | Editorial team: Geochemistry, mineralogy, petrology, and volcanology | Discipline: Petrology
Contribution of carbonatite and recycled oceanic crust to petit-spot lavas on the western Pacific Plate
Yttrium speciation in subduction-zone fluids from ab initio molecular dynamics simulations
Tracing fluid transfers in subduction zones: an integrated thermodynamic and δ18O fractionation modelling approach
Post-entrapment modification of residual inclusion pressure and its implications for Raman elastic thermobarometry
Anatomy of the magmatic plumbing system of Los Humeros Caldera (Mexico): implications for geothermal systems
Alkali basalt from the Seifu Seamount in the Sea of Japan: post-spreading magmatism in a back-arc setting
Magmatic sulfides in high-potassium calc-alkaline to shoshonitic and alkaline rocks
Kazuto Mikuni, Naoto Hirano, Shiki Machida, Hirochika Sumino, Norikatsu Akizawa, Akihiro Tamura, Tomoaki Morishita, and Yasuhiro Kato
Solid Earth, 15, 167–196,,, 2024
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Plate tectonics theory is the motion of rocky plates (lithosphere) over ductile zones (asthenosphere). The causes of the lithosphere–asthenosphere boundary (LAB) are controversial; however, petit-spot volcanism supports the presence of melt at the LAB. We conducted geochemistry, geochronology, and geochemical modeling of petit-spot volcanoes on the western Pacific Plate, and the results suggested that carbonatite melt and recycled oceanic crust induced the partial melting at the LAB.
Johannes Stefanski and Sandro Jahn
Solid Earth, 11, 767–789,,, 2020
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The capacity of aqueous fluids to mobilize rare Earth elements is closely related to their molecular structure. In this study, first-principle molecular dynamics simulations are used to investigate the complex formation of yttrium with chloride and fluoride under subduction-zone conditions. The simulations predict that yttrium–fluoride complexes are more stable than their yttrium–chloride counterparts but likely less abundant due to the very low fluoride ion concentration in natural systems.
Alice Vho, Pierre Lanari, Daniela Rubatto, and Jörg Hermann
Solid Earth, 11, 307–328,,, 2020
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This study presents an approach that combines equilibrium thermodynamic modelling with oxygen isotope fractionation modelling for investigating fluid–rock interaction in metamorphic systems. An application to subduction zones shows that chemical and isotopic zoning in minerals can be used to determine feasible fluid sources and the conditions of interaction. Slab-derived fluids can cause oxygen isotope variations in the mantle wedge that may result in anomalous isotopic signatures of arc lavas.
Xin Zhong, Evangelos Moulas, and Lucie Tajčmanová
Solid Earth, 11, 223–240,,, 2020
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In this study, we present a 1-D visco-elasto-plastic model in a spherical coordinate system to study the residual pressure preserved in mineral inclusions. This allows one to study how much residual pressure can be preserved after viscous relaxation. An example of quartz inclusion in garnet host is studied and it is found that above 600–700 °C, substantial viscous relaxation will occur. If one uses the relaxed residual quartz pressure for barometry, erroneous results will be obtained.
Federico Lucci, Gerardo Carrasco-Núñez, Federico Rossetti, Thomas Theye, John Charles White, Stefano Urbani, Hossein Azizi, Yoshihiro Asahara, and Guido Giordano
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Understanding the anatomy of active magmatic plumbing systems is essential to define the heat source(s) feeding geothermal fields. Mineral-melt thermobarometry and fractional crystallization (FC) models were applied to Quaternary volcanic products of the Los Humeros Caldera (Mexico). Results point to a magmatic system controlled by FC processes and made of magma transport and storage layers within the crust, with significant implications on structure and longevity of the geothermal reservoir.
Tomoaki Morishita, Naoto Hirano, Hirochika Sumino, Hiroshi Sato, Tomoyuki Shibata, Masako Yoshikawa, Shoji Arai, Rie Nauchi, and Akihiro Tamura
Solid Earth, 11, 23–36,,, 2020
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Ariadni A. Georgatou and Massimo Chiaradia
Solid Earth, 11, 1–21,,, 2020
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We study the petrographical and geochemical occurrence of magmatic sulfide minerals in volcanic rocks for areas characterised by different geodynamic settings, some of which are associated with porphyry (Cu and/or Au) and Au epithermal mineralisation. The aim is to investigate the role of magmatic sulfide saturation processes in depth for ore generation in the surface.
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Short summary
Western Norwegian “diamond facies” eclogite contains tiny mineral inclusions of quartz and amphibole lamellae that are not stable in the diamond field. Low trace amounts of water in the lamellae-bearing host minerals suggest that the inclusion microstructure was not formed by fluid infiltration but by dehydration during early exhumation of these rocks. Some samples with higher water content argue that a late fluid overprint was spatially restricted and erased evidence of extreme metamorphism.
Western Norwegian “diamond facies” eclogite contains tiny mineral inclusions of quartz and...