Articles | Volume 10, issue 3
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© Author(s) 2019. This work is distributed under
the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.
the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.
3-D crustal density model of the Sea of Marmara
Ershad Gholamrezaie
GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, Telegrafenberg, Potsdam, Germany
Institute of Earth and Environmental Science, University of
Potsdam, Potsdam,
Magdalena Scheck-Wenderoth
GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, Telegrafenberg, Potsdam, Germany
Faculty of Georesources and Materials Engineering, RWTH Aachen, Aachen,
Judith Bott
GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, Telegrafenberg, Potsdam, Germany
Oliver Heidbach
GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, Telegrafenberg, Potsdam, Germany
Manfred R. Strecker
Institute of Earth and Environmental Science, University of
Potsdam, Potsdam,
Related authors
Ershad Gholamrezaie, Magdalena Scheck-Wenderoth, Judith Sippel, and Manfred R. Strecker
Solid Earth, 9, 139–158,,, 2018
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We examined the thermal gradient as an index of the thermal field in the Atlantic. While the thermal anomaly in the South Atlantic should be equilibrated, the thermal disturbance in the North Atlantic causes thermal effects in the present day. Characteristics of the lithosphere ultimately determine the thermal field. The thermal gradient nonlinearly decreases with depth and varies significantly both laterally and with time, which has implications for methods of thermal history reconstruction.
Antonio J. Olaiz, José A. Álvarez Gómez, Gerardo de Vicente, Alfonso Muñoz-Martín, Juan V. Cantavella, Susana Custódio, Dina Vales, and Oliver Heidbach
EGUsphere,,, 2025
This preprint is open for discussion and under review for Solid Earth (SE).
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Understanding the stress and strain conditions in the Earth crust is crucial for various activities, such as oil and gas exploration and assessing seismic hazards. In this article, we have updated the database of moment tensor focal mechanisms for the Greater Iberia. We conducted kinematic and dynamic analyses on the selected populations, determining the average focal mechanism, strain and stress orientations, and tectonic regime. The orientation for horizontal compression is primarily N154° E.
Denise Degen, Moritz Ziegler, Oliver Heidbach, Andreas Henk, Karsten Reiter, and Florian Wellmann
EGUsphere,,, 2024
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Obtaining reliable estimates of the subsurface state distributions is essential to determine the location of e.g. potential nuclear waste disposal sites. However, providing these is challenging since it requires solving the problem numerous times yielding high computational cost. To overcome this, we use a physics-based machine learning method to construct surrogate models. We demonstrate how it produces physics-preserving predictions, which differentiates it from purely data-driven approaches.
Moritz O. Ziegler, Robin Seithel, Thomas Niederhuber, Oliver Heidbach, Thomas Kohl, Birgit Müller, Mojtaba Rajabi, Karsten Reiter, and Luisa Röckel
Solid Earth, 15, 1047–1063,,, 2024
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The rotation of the principal stress axes in a fault structure because of a rock stiffness contrast has been investigated for the impact of the ratio of principal stresses, the angle between principal stress axes and fault strike, and the ratio of the rock stiffness contrast. A generic 2D geomechanical model is employed for the systematic investigation of the parameter space.
Karsten Reiter, Oliver Heidbach, and Moritz O. Ziegler
Solid Earth, 15, 305–327,,, 2024
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It is generally assumed that faults have an influence on the stress state of the Earth’s crust. It is questionable whether this influence is still present far away from a fault. Simple numerical models were used to investigate the extent of the influence of faults on the stress state. Several models with different fault representations were investigated. The stress fluctuations further away from the fault (> 1 km) are very small.
Ángela María Gómez-García, Álvaro González, Mauro Cacace, Magdalena Scheck-Wenderoth, and Gaspar Monsalve
Solid Earth, 15, 281–303,,, 2024
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We compute a realistic three-dimensional model of the temperatures down to 75 km deep within the Earth, below the Caribbean Sea and northwestern South America. Using this, we estimate at which rock temperatures past earthquakes nucleated in the region and find that they agree with those derived from laboratory experiments of rock friction. We also analyse how the thermal state of the system affects the spatial distribution of seismicity in this region.
Oliver Heidbach, Karsten Reiter, Moritz O. Ziegler, and Birgit Müller
Saf. Nucl. Waste Disposal, 2, 185–185,,, 2023
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When stresses yield a critical value, rock breaks and generate pathways for fluid migration. Thus, the contemporary undisturbed stress state is a key parameter for assessing the stability of deep geological repositories. In this workshop you can ask everything you always wanted to know about stress (but were afraid to ask), and this is divided into three parts. 1) How do we formally describe the stress field? 2) How do we to actually measure stress? 3) How do we go from points to 3D description?
Moritz O. Ziegler, Oliver Heidbach, and Mojtaba Rajabi
Saf. Nucl. Waste Disposal, 2, 79–80,,, 2023
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The subsurface is subject to constant stress. With increasing depth, more rock overlies an area, thereby increasing the stress. There is also constant stress from the sides. Knowledge of this stress is fundamental to build lasting and safe underground structures. Very few data on the stress state are available; thus, computer models are used to predict this parameter. We present a method to improve the quality of the computer models, even if no direct data on the stress state are available.
Karsten Reiter, Oliver Heidbach, Moritz Ziegler, Silvio Giger, Rodney Garrard, and Jean Desroches
Saf. Nucl. Waste Disposal, 2, 71–72,,, 2023
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Numerical methods can be used to estimate the stress state in the Earth’s upper crust. Measured stress data are needed for model calibration. High-quality stress data are available for the calibration of models for possible radioactive waste repositories in Switzerland. A best-fit model predicts the stress state for each point within the model volume. In this study, variable rock properties are used to predict the potential stress variations due to inhomogeneous rock properties.
Luisa Röckel, Steffen Ahlers, Sophia Morawietz, Birgit Müller, Tobias Hergert, Karsten Reiter, Andreas Henk, Moritz Ziegler, Oliver Heidbach, and Frank Schilling
Saf. Nucl. Waste Disposal, 2, 73–73,,, 2023
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Stress data predicted by a geomechanical–numerical model are mapped onto 3D fault geometries. Then the slip tendency of these faults is calculated as a measure of their reactivation potential. Characteristics of the faults and the state of stress are identified that lead to a high fault reactivation potential. An overall high reactivation potential is observed in the Upper Rhine Graben area, whereas the reactivation potential is quite low in the Molasse Basin.
Tobias Hergert, Steffen Ahlers, Luisa Röckel, Sophia Morawietz, Karsten Reiter, Moritz Ziegler, Birgit Müller, Oliver Heidbach, Frank Schilling, and Andreas Henk
Saf. Nucl. Waste Disposal, 2, 65–65,,, 2023
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In numerical geomechanical models, an initial stress state is established before displacement boundary conditions are applied in order to match calibration data. We present generic models to show that the choice of initial stress and boundary conditions affects the final state of stress in areas of the model domain where no stress data for calibration are available. These deviations are largest in the vicinity of lithological interfaces, and they can be reduced if more stress data exist.
Steffen Ahlers, Karsten Reiter, Tobias Hergert, Andreas Henk, Luisa Röckel, Sophia Morawietz, Oliver Heidbach, Moritz Ziegler, and Birgit Müller
Saf. Nucl. Waste Disposal, 2, 59–59,,, 2023
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The recent crustal stress state is a crucial parameter in the search for a high-level nuclear waste repository. We present results of a 3D geomechanical numerical model that improves the state of knowledge by providing a continuum-mechanics-based prediction of the recent crustal stress field in Germany. The model results can be used, for example, for the calculation of fracture potential, for slip tendency analyses or as boundary conditions for smaller local models.
Michal Kruszewski, Alessandro Verdecchia, Oliver Heidbach, Rebecca M. Harrington, and David Healy
EGUsphere,,, 2023
Preprint archived
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In this study, we investigate the evolution of fault reactivation potential in the greater Ruhr region (Germany) in respect to a future utilization of deep geothermal resources. We use analytical and numerical approaches to understand the initial stress conditions on faults as well as their evolution in space and time during geothermal fluid production. Using results from our analyses, we can localize areas more favorable for geothermal energy use based on fault reactivation potential.
Michal Kruszewski, Gerd Klee, Thomas Niederhuber, and Oliver Heidbach
Earth Syst. Sci. Data, 14, 5367–5385,,, 2022
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The authors assemble an in situ stress magnitude and orientation database based on 429 hydrofracturing tests that were carried out in six coal mines and two coal bed methane boreholes between 1986 and 1995 within the greater Ruhr region (Germany). Our study summarises the results of the extensive in situ stress test campaign and assigns quality to each data record using the established quality ranking schemes of the World Stress Map project.
Luisa Röckel, Steffen Ahlers, Birgit Müller, Karsten Reiter, Oliver Heidbach, Andreas Henk, Tobias Hergert, and Frank Schilling
Solid Earth, 13, 1087–1105,,, 2022
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Reactivation of tectonic faults can lead to earthquakes and jeopardize underground operations. The reactivation potential is linked to fault properties and the tectonic stress field. We create 3D geometries for major faults in Germany and use stress data from a 3D geomechanical–numerical model to calculate their reactivation potential and compare it to seismic events. The reactivation potential in general is highest for NNE–SSW- and NW–SE-striking faults and strongly depends on the fault dip.
Moritz Ziegler and Oliver Heidbach
Saf. Nucl. Waste Disposal, 1, 187–188,,, 2021
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The Earth's crust is subject to constant stress which is manifested by earthquakes at plate boundaries. This stress is not only at plate boundaries but everywhere in the crust. A profound knowledge of the magnitude and orientation of the stress is important to select and build a safe deep geological repository for nuclear waste. We demonstrate how to build computer models of the stress state and show how to deal with the associated uncertainties.
Luisa Röckel, Steffen Ahlers, Sophia Morawietz, Birgit Müller, Karsten Reiter, Oliver Heidbach, Andreas Henk, Tobias Hergert, and Frank Schilling
Saf. Nucl. Waste Disposal, 1, 77–78,,, 2021
Karsten Reiter, Steffen Ahlers, Sophia Morawietz, Luisa Röckel, Tobias Hergert, Andreas Henk, Birgit Müller, and Oliver Heidbach
Saf. Nucl. Waste Disposal, 1, 75–76,,, 2021
Steffen Ahlers, Andreas Henk, Tobias Hergert, Karsten Reiter, Birgit Müller, Luisa Röckel, Oliver Heidbach, Sophia Morawietz, Magdalena Scheck-Wenderoth, and Denis Anikiev
Saf. Nucl. Waste Disposal, 1, 163–164,,, 2021
Steffen Ahlers, Andreas Henk, Tobias Hergert, Karsten Reiter, Birgit Müller, Luisa Röckel, Oliver Heidbach, Sophia Morawietz, Magdalena Scheck-Wenderoth, and Denis Anikiev
Solid Earth, 12, 1777–1799,,, 2021
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Knowledge about the stress state in the upper crust is of great importance for many economic and scientific questions. However, our knowledge in Germany is limited since available datasets only provide pointwise, incomplete and heterogeneous information. We present the first 3D geomechanical model that provides a continuous description of the contemporary crustal stress state for Germany. The model is calibrated by the orientation of the maximum horizontal stress and stress magnitudes.
Roland Freisleben, Julius Jara-Muñoz, Daniel Melnick, José Miguel Martínez, and Manfred R. Strecker
Earth Syst. Sci. Data, 13, 2487–2513,,, 2021
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Tectonically active coasts are dynamic environments that host densely populated areas and associated infrastructure. We measured and described last interglacial marine terraces along 5000 km of the western South American coast. The pattern of terrace elevations displays short- to long-wavelength structures that may be controlled by crustal faults and the subduction of major bathymetric anomalies. Latitudinal climate characteristics may further influence their generation and preservation.
Ángela María Gómez-García, Eline Le Breton, Magdalena Scheck-Wenderoth, Gaspar Monsalve, and Denis Anikiev
Solid Earth, 12, 275–298,,, 2021
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The Earth’s crust beneath the Caribbean Sea formed at about 90 Ma due to large magmatic activity of a mantle plume, which brought molten material up from the deep Earth. By integrating diverse geophysical datasets, we image for the first time two fossil magmatic conduits beneath the Caribbean. The location of these conduits at 90 Ma does not correspond with the present-day Galápagos plume. Either this mantle plume migrated in time or these conduits were formed above another unknown plume.
Cameron Spooner, Magdalena Scheck-Wenderoth, Mauro Cacace, and Denis Anikiev
Solid Earth Discuss.,,, 2020
Revised manuscript not accepted
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By comparing long term lithospheric strength to seismicity patterns across the Alpine region, we show that most seismicity occurs where strengths are highest within the crust. The lower crust appears largely aseismic due to energy being dissipated by ongoing creep from low viscosities. Lithospheric structure appears to exert a primary control on seismicity distribution, with both forelands display a different distribution patterns, likely reflecting their different tectonic settings.
Kristian Bär, Thomas Reinsch, and Judith Bott
Earth Syst. Sci. Data, 12, 2485–2515,,, 2020
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Petrophysical properties are key to populating numerical models of subsurface process simulations and the interpretation of many geophysical exploration methods. The P3 database presented here aims at providing easily accessible, peer-reviewed information on physical rock properties in one single compilation. The uniqueness of P3 emerges from its coverage and metadata structure. Each measured value is complemented by the corresponding location, petrography, stratigraphy and original reference.
Sara Savi, Stefanie Tofelde, Andrew D. Wickert, Aaron Bufe, Taylor F. Schildgen, and Manfred R. Strecker
Earth Surf. Dynam., 8, 303–322,,, 2020
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Fluvial deposits record changes in water and sediment supply. As such, they are often used to reconstruct the tectonic or climatic history of a basin. In this study we used an experimental setting to analyze how fluvial deposits register changes in water or sediment supply at a confluence zone. We provide a new conceptual framework that may help understanding the construction of these deposits under different forcings conditions, information crucial to correctly inferring the history of a basin.
Denis Anikiev, Adrian Lechel, Maria Laura Gomez Dacal, Judith Bott, Mauro Cacace, and Magdalena Scheck-Wenderoth
Adv. Geosci., 49, 225–234,,, 2019
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We have developed a first Germany-wide 3D data-based density and temperature model integrating geoscientific observations and physical processes. The model can serve as a reference for local detailed studies dealing with temperature, pressure, stress, subsidence and sedimentation. Our results help to improve subsurface utilization concepts, reveal current geomechanical conditions crucial for hazard assessment and gather information on viable resources such groundwater and deep geothermal energy.
Cameron Spooner, Magdalena Scheck-Wenderoth, Hans-Jürgen Götze, Jörg Ebbing, György Hetényi, and the AlpArray Working Group
Solid Earth, 10, 2073–2088,,, 2019
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By utilising both the observed gravity field of the Alps and their forelands and indications from deep seismic surveys, we were able to produce a 3-D structural model of the region that indicates the distribution of densities within the lithosphere. We found that the present-day Adriatic crust is both thinner and denser than the European crust and that the properties of Alpine crust are strongly linked to their provenance.
Nora Koltzer, Magdalena Scheck-Wenderoth, Mauro Cacace, Maximilian Frick, and Judith Bott
Adv. Geosci., 49, 197–206,,, 2019
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In this study we investigate groundwater flow in the deep subsurface of the Upper Rhine Graben. We make use of a 3-D numerical model covering the entire Upper Rhine Graben. The deep hydrodynamics are characterized by fluid flow from the graben flanks towards its center and in the southern half of the graben from south to north. Moreover, local heterogeneities in the shallow flow field arise from the interaction between regional groundwater flow and the heterogeneous sedimentary configuration.
Maximilian Frick, Magdalena Scheck-Wenderoth, Mauro Cacace, and Michael Schneider
Adv. Geosci., 49, 9–18,,, 2019
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The study presented in this paper aims at reproducing findings from chemical and isotopic groundwater sample analysis along with quantifying the influence of regional (cross-boundary) flow for the area of Berlin, Germany. For this purpose we built 3-D models of the subsurface, populating them with material parameters (e.g. porosity, permeability) and solving them for coupled fluid and heat transport. Special focus was given to the setup of boundary conditions, i.e. fixed pressure at the sides.
Nasrin Haacke, Maximilian Frick, Magdalena Scheck-Wenderoth, Michael Schneider, and Mauro Cacace
Adv. Geosci., 45, 177–184,,, 2018
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The main goal of this study was to understand how different realizations of the impact of groundwater pumping activities in a major urban center would affect the results of 3-D numerical models. In detail we looked at two model scenarios which both rely on the same geological structural model but differ in the realization of the groundwater boundary conditions. The results show, that it is necessary to use groundwater wells as an active parameter to reproduce local movement patterns.
Ershad Gholamrezaie, Magdalena Scheck-Wenderoth, Judith Sippel, and Manfred R. Strecker
Solid Earth, 9, 139–158,,, 2018
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We examined the thermal gradient as an index of the thermal field in the Atlantic. While the thermal anomaly in the South Atlantic should be equilibrated, the thermal disturbance in the North Atlantic causes thermal effects in the present day. Characteristics of the lithosphere ultimately determine the thermal field. The thermal gradient nonlinearly decreases with depth and varies significantly both laterally and with time, which has implications for methods of thermal history reconstruction.
Judith Sippel, Christian Meeßen, Mauro Cacace, James Mechie, Stewart Fishwick, Christian Heine, Magdalena Scheck-Wenderoth, and Manfred R. Strecker
Solid Earth, 8, 45–81,,, 2017
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The Kenya Rift is a zone along which the African continental plate is stretched as evidenced by strong earthquake and volcanic activity. We want to understand the controlling factors of past and future tectonic deformation; hence, we assess the structural and strength configuration of the rift system at the present-day. Data-driven 3-D numerical models show how the inherited composition of the crust and a thermal anomaly in the deep mantle interact to form localised zones of tectonic weakness.
Moritz O. Ziegler, Oliver Heidbach, John Reinecker, Anna M. Przybycin, and Magdalena Scheck-Wenderoth
Solid Earth, 7, 1365–1382,,, 2016
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Subsurface engineering relies on sparsely distributed data points of the stress state of the earth's crust. 3D geomechanical--numerical modelling is applied to estimate the stress state in the entire volume of a large area. We present a multi-stage approach of differently sized models which provide the stress state in an area of interest derived from few and widely scattered data records. Furthermore we demonstrate the changes in reliability of the model depending on different input parameters.
T. Hergert, O. Heidbach, K. Reiter, S. B. Giger, and P. Marschall
Solid Earth, 6, 533–552,,, 2015
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A numerical model integrating the structure and mechanical properties of a sedimentary sequence in the Alpine foreland is presented to show that topography, tectonic faults and, most of all, spatialy variable rock properties affect the state of stress at depth. The tectonic forces acting on the sequence are primarily taken up by the stiff rock units leaving the weaker units in a stress shadow.
P. Klitzke, J. I. Faleide, M. Scheck-Wenderoth, and J. Sippel
Solid Earth, 6, 153–172,,, 2015
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We introduce a regional 3-D structural model of the Barents Sea and Kara Sea region which is the first to combine information on five sedimentary units and the crystalline crust as well as the configuration of the lithospheric mantle. By relating the shallow and deep structures for certain tectonic subdomains, we shed new light on possible causative basin-forming mechanisms that we discuss.
K. Reiter and O. Heidbach
Solid Earth, 5, 1123–1149,,, 2014
Y. Cherubini, M. Cacace, M. Scheck-Wenderoth, and V. Noack
Geoth. Energ. Sci., 2, 1–20,,, 2014
Related subject area
Subject area: Crustal structure and composition | Editorial team: Geodesy, gravity, and geomagnetism | Discipline: Geodynamics
Magmatic underplating associated with Proterozoic basin formation: insights from gravity study over the southern margin of the Bundelkhand Craton, India
The structural anatomy of the Pyrenees examined through EMAG2v2 magnetic data
The crustal structure of the Longmenshan fault zone and its implications for seismogenesis: new insight from aeromagnetic and gravity data
Crustal structure of the Volgo–Uralian subcraton revealed by inverse and forward gravity modelling
Interpolation of magnetic anomalies over an oceanic ridge region using an equivalent source technique and crust age model constraint
Gravity modeling of the Alpine lithosphere affected by magmatism based on seismic tomography
The preserved plume of the Caribbean Large Igneous Plateau revealed by 3D data-integrative models
Mapping undercover: integrated geoscientific interpretation and 3D modelling of a Proterozoic basin
Density distribution across the Alpine lithosphere constrained by 3-D gravity modelling and relation to seismicity and deformation
A high-resolution lithospheric magnetic field model over southern Africa based on a joint inversion of CHAMP, Swarm, WDMAM, and ground magnetic field data
Density structure and isostasy of the lithosphere in Egypt and their relation to seismicity
Ananya Parthapradip Mukherjee and Animesh Mandal
Solid Earth, 15, 711–729,,, 2024
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Global gravity data are used to develop 2D models and a Moho depth map from 3D inversion, depicting the crustal structure below the region covered by Proterozoic sedimentary basins, south of the Bundelkhand Craton in central India. The observed thick mafic underplated layer above the Moho indicates Proterozoic plume activity. Thus, the study offers insights into the crustal configuration of this region, illustrating the geodynamic processes that led to the formation of the basins.
África Gamisel-Muzás, Ruth Soto, Conxi Ayala, Tania Mochales, Félix Manuel Rubio, Pilar Clariana, Carmen Rey-Moral, and Juliana Martín-León
EGUsphere,,, 2024
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In this work we compare magnetic maps obtained from the EMAG2v2 (Earth Magnetic Anomaly Grid 2-arc-minute resolution) magnetic intensity data with the main geological structures and units of the Pyrenees and adjacent areas. The magnetic response arrangement for the different domains mimic the main structural lineaments and highlight the occurrence of major magnetic anomalies linked to specific geological bodies.
Hai Yang, Shengqing Xiong, Qiankun Liu, Fang Li, Zhiye Jia, Xue Yang, Haofei Yan, and Zhaoliang Li
Solid Earth, 14, 1289–1308,,, 2023
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The Wenchuan (Ms 8.0) and Lushan (Ms 7.0) earthquakes show different geodynamic features and form a 40–60 km area void of aftershocks for both earthquakes. The inverse models suggest that the downward-subducted basement of the Sichuan Basin is irregular in shape and heterogeneous in magnetism and density. The different focal mechanisms of the two earthquakes and the genesis of the seismic gap may be closely related to the differential thrusting mechanism caused by basement heterogeneity.
Igor Ognev, Jörg Ebbing, and Peter Haas
Solid Earth, 13, 431–448,,, 2022
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We present a new 3D crustal model of Volgo–Uralia, an eastern segment of the East European craton. We built this model by processing the satellite gravity data and using prior crustal thickness estimation from regional seismic studies to constrain the results. The modelling revealed a high-density body on the top of the mantle and otherwise reflected the main known features of the Volgo–Uralian crustal architecture. We plan to use the obtained model for further geothermal analysis of the region.
Duan Li, Jinsong Du, Chao Chen, Qing Liang, and Shida Sun
Solid Earth Discuss.,,, 2021
Revised manuscript not accepted
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Oceanic magnetic anomalies are generally carried out using only few survey lines and thus there are many areas with data gaps. Traditional interpolation methods based on the morphological characteristics of data are not suitable for data with large gaps. The use of dual-layer equivalent-source techniques may improve the interpolation of magnetic anomaly fields in areas with sparse data which gives a good consideration to the extension of the magnetic lineation feature.
Davide Tadiello and Carla Braitenberg
Solid Earth, 12, 539–561,,, 2021
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We present an innovative approach to estimate a lithosphere density distribution model based on seismic tomography and gravity data. In the studied area, the model shows that magmatic events have increased density in the middle to lower crust, which explains the observed positive gravity anomaly. We interpret the densification through crustal intrusion and magmatic underplating. The proposed method has been tested in the Alps but can be applied to other geological contexts.
Ángela María Gómez-García, Eline Le Breton, Magdalena Scheck-Wenderoth, Gaspar Monsalve, and Denis Anikiev
Solid Earth, 12, 275–298,,, 2021
Short summary
Short summary
The Earth’s crust beneath the Caribbean Sea formed at about 90 Ma due to large magmatic activity of a mantle plume, which brought molten material up from the deep Earth. By integrating diverse geophysical datasets, we image for the first time two fossil magmatic conduits beneath the Caribbean. The location of these conduits at 90 Ma does not correspond with the present-day Galápagos plume. Either this mantle plume migrated in time or these conduits were formed above another unknown plume.
Mark D. Lindsay, Sandra Occhipinti, Crystal Laflamme, Alan Aitken, and Lara Ramos
Solid Earth, 11, 1053–1077,,, 2020
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Integrated interpretation of multiple datasets is a key skill required for better understanding the composition and configuration of the Earth's crust. Geophysical and 3D geological modelling are used here to aid the interpretation process in investigating anomalous and cryptic geophysical signatures which suggest a more complex structure and history of a Palaeoproterozoic basin in Western Australia.
Cameron Spooner, Magdalena Scheck-Wenderoth, Hans-Jürgen Götze, Jörg Ebbing, György Hetényi, and the AlpArray Working Group
Solid Earth, 10, 2073–2088,,, 2019
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Short summary
By utilising both the observed gravity field of the Alps and their forelands and indications from deep seismic surveys, we were able to produce a 3-D structural model of the region that indicates the distribution of densities within the lithosphere. We found that the present-day Adriatic crust is both thinner and denser than the European crust and that the properties of Alpine crust are strongly linked to their provenance.
Foteini Vervelidou, Erwan Thébault, and Monika Korte
Solid Earth, 9, 897–910,,, 2018
Mikhail K. Kaban, Sami El Khrepy, and Nassir Al-Arifi
Solid Earth, 9, 833–846,,, 2018
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Short summary
We present an integrative model of the crust and upper mantle of Egypt based on an analysis of gravity, seismic, and geological data. These results are essential for deciphering the link between the dynamic processes in the Earth system and near-surface processes (particularly earthquakes) that influence human habitat. We identified the distinct fragmentation of the lithosphere of Egypt in several blocks. This division is closely related to the seismicity patterns in this region.
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Short summary
Based on geophysical data integration and 3-D gravity modeling, we show that significant density heterogeneities are expressed as two large high-density bodies in the crust below the Sea of Marmara. The location of these bodies correlates spatially with the bends of the main Marmara fault, indicating that rheological contrasts in the crust may influence the fault kinematics. Our findings may have implications for seismic hazard and risk assessments in the Marmara region.
Based on geophysical data integration and 3-D gravity modeling, we show that significant density...