Articles | Volume 15, issue 7
Research article
08 Jul 2024
Research article |  | 08 Jul 2024

Impact of stress regime change on the permeability of a naturally fractured carbonate buildup (Latemar, the Dolomites, northern Italy)

Onyedika Anthony Igbokwe, Jithender J. Timothy, Ashwani Kumar, Xiao Yan, Mathias Mueller, Alessandro Verdecchia, Günther Meschke, and Adrian Immenhauser

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Short summary
We present a workflow that models the impact of stress regime change on the permeability of fractured Latemar carbonate buildup using a displacement-based linear elastic finite-element method (FEM) and outcrop data. Stress-dependent heterogeneous apertures and effective permeability were calculated and constrained by the study area's stress directions. Simulated far-field stresses at NW–SE subsidence deformation and N–S Alpine deformation increased the overall fracture aperture and permeability.