Articles | Volume 7, issue 5
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© Author(s) 2016. This work is distributed under
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the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.
A geological model for the management of subsurface data in the urban environment of Barcelona and surrounding area
Enric Vázquez-Suñé
Institute of Environmental Assessment and Water Research IDÆA
– CSIC, Jordi Girona 18, 08034 Barcelona, Spain
Associated Unit:
Hydrogeology Group (UPC-CSIC)
Miguel Ángel Marazuela
Institute of Environmental Assessment and Water Research IDÆA
– CSIC, Jordi Girona 18, 08034 Barcelona, Spain
Associated Unit:
Hydrogeology Group (UPC-CSIC)
Department of Geotechnical
Engineering and Geosciences, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC),
Jordi Girona 1-3, 08034 Barcelona, Spain
Violeta Velasco
Institute of Environmental Assessment and Water Research IDÆA
– CSIC, Jordi Girona 18, 08034 Barcelona, Spain
Associated Unit:
Hydrogeology Group (UPC-CSIC)
Marc Diviu
Institute of Environmental Assessment and Water Research IDÆA
– CSIC, Jordi Girona 18, 08034 Barcelona, Spain
Associated Unit:
Hydrogeology Group (UPC-CSIC)
Andrés Pérez-Estaún
Institute of Earth
Sciences Jaume Almera ICTJA – CSIC, Lluís Solé Sabarís s/n,
08028 Barcelona, Spain
Joaquina Álvarez-Marrón
Institute of Earth
Sciences Jaume Almera ICTJA – CSIC, Lluís Solé Sabarís s/n,
08028 Barcelona, Spain
Related authors
Diego Schmidlin, Laura Scheiber, Marc Teixidó, Enric Vázquez, Rotman Criollo, Anna Jurado, Diana Puigserver, Silvia Burdons, and Mónica Enrich
Adv. Geosci., 59, 59–67,,, 2023
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The demand of water for human consumption in urban areas is crucial where groundwater must be consider a useful resource, but commonly in these context due to anthropic activities these water are highly contaminated. Among these contaminants of special interest are the contaminants of emerging concern which present a high risk to the aquatic environment and human health. We found and study a series of these compounds in Barcelona’s groundwaters and identify some possible origins/sources of them.
Laura Scheiber, Marc Teixidó, Rotman Criollo, Francesc Labad, Enric Vázquez-Suñé, María Izquierdo, María José Chesa Marro, and Daniel de Castro
Adv. Geosci., 59, 37–44,,, 2022
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The knowledge of the aquifer characteristics and its quality together with these vulnerable areas may lead to improve the installation of SUDS, reducing the input of contaminants through these infrastructures. The implementation of this methodology aims to facilitate water users and urban managers to control their potential negative effects on the receiving water body. In addtion, the outcomes of its application may be used to optimize the groundwater management in the city.
Rotman A. Criollo Manjarrez, Laura Scheiber, Laura Poza, Sonia Valdivielso Mijangos, Pedro Simunovic, and Enric Vázquez-Suñé
Adv. Geosci., 59, 17–25,,, 2022
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In the current climate and socioeconomic context, The Katari and Minor Lake Titicaca basin (Bolivia) has special interest because of the sensitive and vulnerable environment and ecosystems around the Titicaca Lake. These environments support traditional local human populations and other beneficial human activities. That is why we made workshops with local authorities and performed a global vision of the aquifer behavior and its vulnerability, which would generate a better decision-make process.
Estanislao Pujades, Laura Scheiber, Marc Teixidó, Rotman Criollo, Olha Nikolenko, Victor Vilarrasa, Enric Vázquez-Suñé, and Anna Jurado
Adv. Geosci., 59, 9–15,,, 2022
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This paper explores the impact of low enthalpy geothermal energy (LEGE) on the behaviour of organic contaminants of emerging concern (CECs). Specifically, we investigate the impact of LEGE on phenazone that is an analgesic drug commonly reported in urban aquifers. CECs pose a risk for the environment and human health, and thus, they must be eliminated to increase the available fresh-water resources in urban areas, where water scarcity is a matter of concern due to the population growth.
Diego Schmidlin, Laura Scheiber, Marc Teixidó, Enric Vázquez, Rotman Criollo, Anna Jurado, Diana Puigserver, Silvia Burdons, and Mónica Enrich
Adv. Geosci., 59, 59–67,,, 2023
Short summary
Short summary
The demand of water for human consumption in urban areas is crucial where groundwater must be consider a useful resource, but commonly in these context due to anthropic activities these water are highly contaminated. Among these contaminants of special interest are the contaminants of emerging concern which present a high risk to the aquatic environment and human health. We found and study a series of these compounds in Barcelona’s groundwaters and identify some possible origins/sources of them.
Laura Scheiber, Marc Teixidó, Rotman Criollo, Francesc Labad, Enric Vázquez-Suñé, María Izquierdo, María José Chesa Marro, and Daniel de Castro
Adv. Geosci., 59, 37–44,,, 2022
Short summary
Short summary
The knowledge of the aquifer characteristics and its quality together with these vulnerable areas may lead to improve the installation of SUDS, reducing the input of contaminants through these infrastructures. The implementation of this methodology aims to facilitate water users and urban managers to control their potential negative effects on the receiving water body. In addtion, the outcomes of its application may be used to optimize the groundwater management in the city.
Rotman A. Criollo Manjarrez, Laura Scheiber, Laura Poza, Sonia Valdivielso Mijangos, Pedro Simunovic, and Enric Vázquez-Suñé
Adv. Geosci., 59, 17–25,,, 2022
Short summary
Short summary
In the current climate and socioeconomic context, The Katari and Minor Lake Titicaca basin (Bolivia) has special interest because of the sensitive and vulnerable environment and ecosystems around the Titicaca Lake. These environments support traditional local human populations and other beneficial human activities. That is why we made workshops with local authorities and performed a global vision of the aquifer behavior and its vulnerability, which would generate a better decision-make process.
Estanislao Pujades, Laura Scheiber, Marc Teixidó, Rotman Criollo, Olha Nikolenko, Victor Vilarrasa, Enric Vázquez-Suñé, and Anna Jurado
Adv. Geosci., 59, 9–15,,, 2022
Short summary
Short summary
This paper explores the impact of low enthalpy geothermal energy (LEGE) on the behaviour of organic contaminants of emerging concern (CECs). Specifically, we investigate the impact of LEGE on phenazone that is an analgesic drug commonly reported in urban aquifers. CECs pose a risk for the environment and human health, and thus, they must be eliminated to increase the available fresh-water resources in urban areas, where water scarcity is a matter of concern due to the population growth.
Josep Maria Casas, Joan Guimerà, Joaquina Alvarez-Marron, and Ícaro Días da Silva
Solid Earth Discuss.,,, 2020
Revised manuscript not accepted
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Many orogenic belts exhibit arcuate form in map view. We deal with the different models proposed to explain the formation of the Ibero-Armorican Arc in the western European Variscan Belt. We suggest this arc is primary slightly modified by superposed contraction during late Carboniferous and/or Alpine times. We discuss the role of late-Variscan regional strike-slip faults in the Iberian and in the Armorican massifs that probably acted consecutively before and during the contraction of the arc.
David Marti, Ignacio Marzan, Jana Sachsenhausen, Joaquina Alvarez-Marrón, Mario Ruiz, Montse Torne, Manuela Mendes, and Ramon Carbonell
Solid Earth, 10, 177–192,,, 2019
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A detailed knowledge of the very shallow subsurface has become of crucial interest for modern society, especially if it hosts critical surface infrastructures such as temporary waste storage sites. The use of indirect methods to characterize the internal structure of the subsurface has been successfully applied, based on the 3-D distribution of seismic velocities and well-log data, which are of great interest for civil engineering companies.
Joaquina Alvarez-Marrón, Fernando Bastida, Ernest Rutter, Ramon Carbonell, and Charlotte M. Krawczyk
Solid Earth, 7, 1199–1205,,, 2016
Lurdes Martinez-Landa, Jesús Carrera, Andrés Pérez-Estaún, Paloma Gómez, and Carmen Bajos
Solid Earth, 7, 881–895,,, 2016
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In the present study we present a methodology of how structural geology and geophysics techniques, together with hydrochemical and hydraulic data, can help in identifying the main fractures that conduct most of the groundwater flow in a granitic pluton (low-permeability fractured media). Using the values of transmissivities obtained from 3-D numerical models of the local hydraulic test interpretation, we have been able to reproduce the effect of a large-scale and long-term pumping test.
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Sinkholes and uvalas in evaporite karst: spatio-temporal development with links to base-level fall on the eastern shore of the Dead Sea
Distinct element geomechanical modelling of the formation of sinkhole clusters within large-scale karstic depressions
A semi-automated algorithm to quantify scarp morphology (SPARTA): application to normal faults in southern Malawi
Combined effects of grain size, flow volume and channel width on geophysical flow mobility: three-dimensional discrete element modeling of dry and dense flows of angular rock fragments
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Optical method for measuring bed topography and flow depth in an experimental flume
Georg Kaufmann, Douchko Romanov, Ulrike Werban, and Thomas Vienken
Solid Earth, 14, 333–351,,, 2023
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We discuss collapse sinkholes occuring since 2004 on the sports field of Münsterdorf, a village north of Hamburg. The sinkholes, 2–5 m in size and about 3–5 m deep, develop in peri-glacial sand, with a likely origin in the Cretaceous chalk, present at about 20 m depth. The area has been analyzed with geophysical and direct-push-based methods, from which material properties of the subsurface have been derived. The properties have been used for mechanical models, predicting the subsidence.
Zhao Duan, Yan-Bin Wu, Qing Zhang, Zhen-Yan Li, Lin Yuan, Kai Wang, and Yang Liu
Solid Earth, 13, 1631–1647,,, 2022
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We studied the mobility and sedimentary characteristics of rock avalanches influenced by initial discontinuity sets with experimental methods. In the experiments, we set different initial configurations of blocks. The results revealed that the mobility and surface structures of the mass flows differed significantly. In the mass deposits, the block orientations were affected by their initial configurations and the motion processes of the mass flows.
Marianne Métois, Jean-Emmanuel Martelat, Jérémy Billant, Muriel Andreani, Javier Escartín, Frédérique Leclerc, and the ICAP team
Solid Earth, 12, 2789–2802,,, 2021
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We use the Minerve virtual reality software to bring undergraduate students to an unusual field trip at 1200 m below sea level in the Lesser Antilles area. This region is located above an active subduction zone responsible for intense volcanic and seismic activity. In particular, we focus on the Roseau submarine fault that ruptured during the Mw 6.3 Les Saintes earthquake and presented a fresh scarp that the students can analyze and map in VR. They compile their results in a GIS project.
Oswald Malcles, Philippe Vernant, Jean Chéry, Pierre Camps, Gaël Cazes, Jean-François Ritz, and David Fink
Solid Earth, 11, 241–258,,, 2020
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We aim to better understand the challenging areas that are the intraplate regions using one example: the southern French Massif Central and its numerous hundreds of meters deep valleys. We apply a multidisciplinary approach there using geomorphology, geochronology, and numerical modeling.
Our dating results show that the canyon incisions are part of the Plio-Quaternary evolution with incision rate of ~ 80 m Ma−1. We propose then that this incision is possible due to an active regional uplift.
François Clapuyt, Veerle Vanacker, Marcus Christl, Kristof Van Oost, and Fritz Schlunegger
Solid Earth, 10, 1489–1503,,, 2019
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Using state-of-the-art geomorphic techniques, we quantified a 2-order of magnitude discrepancy between annual, decadal, and millennial sediment fluxes of a landslide-affected mountainous river catchment in the Swiss Alps. Our results illustrate that the impact of a single sediment pulse is strongly attenuated at larger spatial and temporal scales by sediment transport. The accumulation of multiple sediment pulses has rather a measurable impact on the regional pattern of sediment fluxes.
Robert A. Watson, Eoghan P. Holohan, Djamil Al-Halbouni, Leila Saberi, Ali Sawarieh, Damien Closson, Hussam Alrshdan, Najib Abou Karaki, Christian Siebert, Thomas R. Walter, and Torsten Dahm
Solid Earth, 10, 1451–1468,,, 2019
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The fall of the Dead Sea level since the 1960s has provoked the formation of over 6000 sinkholes, a major hazard to local economy and infrastructure. In this context, we study the evolution of subsidence phenomena at three area scales at the Dead Sea’s eastern shore from 1967–2017. Our results yield the most detailed insights to date into the spatio-temporal development of sinkholes and larger depressions (uvalas) in an evaporite karst setting and emphasize a link to the falling Dead Sea level.
Djamil Al-Halbouni, Eoghan P. Holohan, Abbas Taheri, Robert A. Watson, Ulrich Polom, Martin P. J. Schöpfer, Sacha Emam, and Torsten Dahm
Solid Earth, 10, 1219–1241,,, 2019
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A 2-D numerical modelling approach to simulate the mechanical formation of sinkhole cluster inside large-scale karstic depressions is presented. Different multiple cavity growth scenarios at depth are compared regarding the mechanical process and collapse style. The outcomes of the models are compared to results from remote sensing and geophysics for an active sinkhole area in the Dead Sea region.
Michael Hodge, Juliet Biggs, Åke Fagereng, Austin Elliott, Hassan Mdala, and Felix Mphepo
Solid Earth, 10, 27–57,,, 2019
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This work attempts to create a semi-automated algorithm (called SPARTA) to calculate height, width and slope of surface breaks produced by earthquakes on faults. We developed the Python algorithm using synthetic catalogues, which can include noise features such as vegetation, hills and ditches, which mimic natural environments. We then apply the algorithm to four fault scarps in southern Malawi, at the southern end of the East African Rift system, to understand their earthquake potential.
Bruno Cagnoli and Antonio Piersanti
Solid Earth, 8, 177–188,,, 2017
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The purpose of our research is to understand the mechanisms that determine the mobility of granular flows of rock fragments. Since rock avalanches and pyroclastic flows are too dangerous to be studied at close range, we use numerical simulations and laboratory experiments. We focus on the fundamentals upon which new numerical models will be built to predict the behaviors of natural flows. These fundamentals include the effects of grain size, flow volume and channel width.
Alexis Nutz and Mathieu Schuster
Solid Earth, 7, 1609–1618,,, 2016
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From the geomorphology of a palaeodelta complex of Lake Turkana (Kenya), we explore the end of the Holocene African Humid Period (AHP) that corresponded to a major change in climate of Africa and that had important environmental impacts. Here, we propose that the transition from a wet to a dry period at the end of the AHP is stepwise, discussing a potential control by short-term variations in solar activity. Understanding this climate event is crucial to facing future climate changes.
Abdulvahed Khaledi Darvishan, Vafa Homayounfar, and Seyed Hamidreza Sadeghi
Solid Earth, 7, 1293–1302,,, 2016
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Different stages of soil removal, transfer, preparation and placement in laboratory plots cause significant changes in soil structure and, subsequently, the results of runoff, sediment concentration and soil loss. The increasing rates of runoff coefficient, sediment concentration and soil loss due to the study soil preparation method for laboratory soil erosion plots were 179, 183 and 1050 % (2.79, 2.83 and 11.50 times), respectively.
Jozef Gallik and Lenka Bolešová
Solid Earth, 7, 1033–1042,,, 2016
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Technology is moving ahead very fast, and so researchers have new possibilities for their research. We tried to demonstrate benefits of using remote-sensing technology (Phantom 1 drone) such as its accuracy in the terrain, easy access to hardly accessible areas, and the possibility to collect data even during unfavourable weather conditions. The high mountainous environment provided us great conditions for testing the drone as a device for very easy and accurate mapping of natural phenomena.
Mohammad Hassan Sadeghravesh, Hassan Khosravi, and Soudeh Ghasemian
Solid Earth, 7, 673–683,,, 2016
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Select appropriate strategies according to all effective criteria in combating desertification process can be so useful in controlling and rehabilitation of degraded lands, and avoid degradation in vulnerable fields. This study provides systematic and optimal strategies of combating desertification by group decision-making model. To this end, in the framework of Multi Attribute Decision Making (MADM) and by using Delphi model (Delphi), the preferences of indexes were obtained.
Guang Jie Luo, Shi Jie Wang, Xiao Yong Bai, Xiu Ming Liu, and An Yun Cheng
Solid Earth, 7, 457–468,,, 2016
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For accurately reflecting the eco-hydrological process of the dual structure of the surface and subsurface, we propose a new method for the extraction of small watersheds in karst regions. In this study, we think that the minimum karst watershed has an exit at the corrosion–erosion datum, and the further karst sub-watershed division may cause an eco-hydrological fault. The watersheds delineated by our method accurately reflect the hydrological process in the Sancha River.
J. Rodrigo Comino, C. Brings, T. Lassu, T. Iserloh, J. M. Senciales, J. F. Martínez Murillo, J. D. Ruiz Sinoga, M. Seeger, and J. B. Ries
Solid Earth, 6, 823–837,,, 2015
M. Arian and Z. Aram
Solid Earth, 5, 1277–1291,,, 2014
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The Kermanshah area in the High Zagros, Iran (the collision of the Arabian and Eurasian plates) has been affected by four classes of tectonic variation. These regions were identified as very high, high, moderate and low relative tectonic activity by calculation and analysis of six geomorphic indices.
A. Gómez-Ortiz, M. Oliva, F. Salvador-Franch, M. Salvà-Catarineu, D. Palacios, J. J. de Sanjosé-Blasco, L. M. Tanarro-García, J. Galindo-Zaldívar, and C. Sanz de Galdeano
Solid Earth, 5, 979–993,,, 2014
M. Oliva, G. Vieira, P. Pina, P. Pereira, M. Neves, and M. C. Freitas
Solid Earth, 5, 901–914,,, 2014
R. Sutinen, I. Aro, P. Närhi, M. Piekkari, and M. Middleton
Solid Earth, 5, 683–691,,, 2014
Y. Liu, F. Métivier, J. Gaillardet, B. Ye, P. Meunier, C. Narteau, E. Lajeunesse, T. Han, and L. Malverti
Solid Earth, 2, 283–301,,, 2011
H. C. Ho
Solid Earth, 2, 155–158,,, 2011
A. Limare, M. Tal, M. D. Reitz, E. Lajeunesse, and F. Métivier
Solid Earth, 2, 143–154,,, 2011
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Short summary
This study shows the need for a symbiotic relationship between government and research groups for efficient management of geologic data in urban environments. Through its implementation, both the city administration and private companies benefit from the feedback of geologic knowledge acquired during this process, thereby substantially reducing the cost of construction projects and facilitating the development of aquifer management plans.
This study shows the need for a symbiotic relationship between government and research groups...