Articles | Volume 15, issue 5
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On the impact of true polar wander on heat flux patterns at the core–mantle boundary
Thomas Frasson
Univ. Grenoble Alpes, Univ. Savoie Mont Blanc, CNRS, IRD, Univ. Gustave Eiffel, ISTerre, 38000 Grenoble, France
Stéphane Labrosse
ENS de Lyon, CNRS, Université Lyon-1, LGL-TPE, 46 allée d'Italie, 69007 Lyon, France
Henri-Claude Nataf
Univ. Grenoble Alpes, Univ. Savoie Mont Blanc, CNRS, IRD, Univ. Gustave Eiffel, ISTerre, 38000 Grenoble, France
Nicolas Coltice
Université Côte d'Azur, CNRS, Observatoire de la Côte d'Azur, IRD, GEOAZUR, France
Nicolas Flament
Environmental Futures, School of Earth, Atmospheric and Life Sciences, University of Wollongong, Northfields Avenue, NSW 2522 Wollongong, Australia
Related authors
Thomas Frasson, Stéphane Labrosse, Henri-Claude Nataf, and Nicolas Coltice
EGUsphere,,, 2022
Preprint archived
Short summary
Short summary
We used the results of a global 3d mantle convection model showing plate-like behaviour to study the heat flux at the base of the mantle and the wandering of the pole due to masses displacement inside the Earth during mantle convection. Subduction zones and continents are driving this wandering by maintaining themselves close to the equator, which translates in high equatorial heat flux patches in the lower mantle. The dominant heat flux patterns can be related to surface plate-tectonics.
Thomas Frasson, Stéphane Labrosse, Henri-Claude Nataf, and Nicolas Coltice
EGUsphere,,, 2022
Preprint archived
Short summary
Short summary
We used the results of a global 3d mantle convection model showing plate-like behaviour to study the heat flux at the base of the mantle and the wandering of the pole due to masses displacement inside the Earth during mantle convection. Subduction zones and continents are driving this wandering by maintaining themselves close to the equator, which translates in high equatorial heat flux patches in the lower mantle. The dominant heat flux patterns can be related to surface plate-tectonics.
R. Dietmar Müller, Nicolas Flament, John Cannon, Michael G. Tetley, Simon E. Williams, Xianzhi Cao, Ömer F. Bodur, Sabin Zahirovic, and Andrew Merdith
Solid Earth, 13, 1127–1159,,, 2022
Short summary
Short summary
We have built a community model for the evolution of the Earth's plate–mantle system. Created with open-source software and an open-access plate model, it covers the last billion years, including the formation, breakup, and dispersal of two supercontinents, as well as the creation and destruction of numerous ocean basins. The model allows us to
seeinto the Earth in 4D and helps us unravel the connections between surface tectonics and the
beating heartof the Earth, its convecting mantle.
Daniela Paz Bolrão, Maxim D. Ballmer, Adrien Morison, Antoine B. Rozel, Patrick Sanan, Stéphane Labrosse, and Paul J. Tackley
Solid Earth, 12, 421–437,,, 2021
Short summary
Short summary
We use numerical models to investigate the thermo-chemical evolution of a solid mantle during a magma ocean stage. When applied to the Earth, our study shows that the solid mantle and a magma ocean tend toward chemical equilibration before crystallisation of this magma ocean. Our findings suggest that a very strong chemical stratification of the solid mantle is unlikely to occur (as predicted by previous studies), which may explain why the Earth’s mantle is rather homogeneous in composition.
Marie Bocher, Martina Ulvrova, Maëlis Arnould, Nicolas Coltice, Claire Mallard, Mélanie Gérault, and Alice Adenis
Adv. Geosci., 53, 15–31,,, 2020
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Short summary
The "Did this really happen?!" project aims at publishing real-life, everyday sexism in the form of comic strips. Its major goal is to raise awareness about unconscious biases that transpire in everyday interactions in academia and increase the visibility of sexist situations that arise within the scientific community, especially to those who might not notice it. In this publication, we present the project and the different recurring sexist behaviours identified in the collected stories.
Xuesong Ding, Tristan Salles, Nicolas Flament, and Patrice Rey
Geosci. Model Dev., 12, 2571–2585,,, 2019
Short summary
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This work introduced a quantitative stratigraphic framework within a source-to-sink numerical code, pyBadlands, and evaluated two stratigraphic interpretation techniques. This quantitative framework allowed us to quickly construct the strata formations and automatically produce strata interpretations. We further showed that the accommodation succession method, compared with the trajectory analysis method, provided more reliable interpretations as it is independent of time-dependent processes.
Wenchao Cao, Sabin Zahirovic, Nicolas Flament, Simon Williams, Jan Golonka, and R. Dietmar Müller
Biogeosciences, 14, 5425–5439,,, 2017
Short summary
Short summary
We present a workflow to link paleogeographic maps to alternative plate tectonic models, alleviating the problem that published global paleogeographic maps are generally presented as static maps and tied to a particular plate model. We further develop an approach to improve paleogeography using paleobiology. The resulting paleogeographies are consistent with proxies of eustatic sea level change since ~400 Myr ago. We make the digital global paleogeographic maps available as an open resource.
Nicholas Barnett-Moore, Rakib Hassan, Nicolas Flament, and Dietmar Müller
Solid Earth, 8, 235–254,,, 2017
Short summary
Short summary
We use 3D mantle flow models to investigate the evolution of the Iceland plume in the North Atlantic. Results show that over the last ~ 100 Myr a remarkably stable pattern of flow in the lowermost mantle beneath the region resulted in the formation of a plume nucleation site. At the surface, a model plume compared to published observables indicates that its large plume head, ~ 2500 km in diameter, arriving beneath eastern Greenland in the Palaeocene, can account for the volcanic record and uplift.
Related subject area
Subject area: Core and mantle structure and dynamics | Editorial team: Geodynamics and quantitative modelling | Discipline: Geodynamics
Quantifying mantle mixing through configurational entropy
ECOMAN: an open-source package for geodynamic and seismological modeling of mechanical anisotropy
Modeling liquid transport in the Earth's mantle as two-phase flow: effect of an enforced positive porosity on liquid flow and mass conservation
Transport mechanisms of hydrothermal convection in faulted tight sandstones
Influence of heterogeneous thermal conductivity on the long-term evolution of the lower-mantle thermochemical structure: implications for primordial reservoirs
On the choice of finite element for applications in geodynamics
Coupled dynamics and evolution of primordial and recycled heterogeneity in Earth's lower mantle
Comparing global seismic tomography models using varimax principal component analysis
Erik van der Wiel, Cedric Thieulot, and Douwe J. J. van Hinsbergen
Solid Earth, 15, 861–875,,, 2024
Short summary
Short summary
Geodynamic models of mantle convection provide a powerful tool to study the structure and composition of the Earth's mantle. Comparing such models with other datasets is difficult. We explore the use of
configurational entropy, which allows us to quantify mixing in models. The entropy may be used to analyse the mixed state of the mantle as a whole and may also be useful to validate numerical models against anomalies in the mantle that are obtained from seismology and geochemistry.
Manuele Faccenda, Brandon Paul VanderBeek, Albert de Montserrat, Jianfeng Yang, and Neil Ribe
EGUsphere,,, 2024
Short summary
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The Earth's internal dynamics and structure can be well understood by combining seismological and geodynamic modeling with mineral physics, an approach that has been poorly adopted in the past. To this end we have developed ECOMAN, an open-source software package that is intended to overcome the computationally intensive nature of this multidisciplinary methodology and the lack of a dedicated and comprehensive computational framework.
Changyeol Lee, Nestor G. Cerpa, Dongwoo Han, and Ikuko Wada
Solid Earth, 15, 23–38,,, 2024
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Fluids and melts in the mantle are key to the Earth’s evolution. The main driving force for their transport is the compaction of the porous mantle. Numerically, the compaction equations can yield unphysical negative liquid fractions (porosity), and it is necessary to enforce positive porosity. However, the effect of such a treatment on liquid flow and mass conservation has not been quantified. We found that although mass conservation is affected, the liquid pathways are well resolved.
Guoqiang Yan, Benjamin Busch, Robert Egert, Morteza Esmaeilpour, Kai Stricker, and Thomas Kohl
Solid Earth, 14, 293–310,,, 2023
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The physical processes leading to the kilometre-scale thermal anomaly in faulted tight sandstones are numerically investigated. The fluid-flow pathways, heat-transfer types and interactions among different convective and advective flow modes are systematically identified. The methodologies and results can be applied to interpret hydrothermal convection-related geological phenomena and to draw implications for future petroleum and geothermal exploration and exploitation in analogous settings.
Joshua Martin Guerrero, Frédéric Deschamps, Yang Li, Wen-Pin Hsieh, and Paul James Tackley
Solid Earth, 14, 119–135,,, 2023
Short summary
Short summary
The mantle thermal conductivity's dependencies on temperature, pressure, and composition are often suppressed in numerical models. We examine the effect of these dependencies on the long-term evolution of lower-mantle thermochemical structure. We propose that depth-dependent conductivities derived from mantle minerals, along with moderate temperature and compositional correction, emulate the Earth's mean lowermost-mantle conductivity values and produce a stable two-pile configuration.
Cedric Thieulot and Wolfgang Bangerth
Solid Earth, 13, 229–249,,, 2022
Short summary
Short summary
One of the main numerical methods to solve the mass, momentum, and energy conservation equations in geodynamics is the finite-element method. Four main types of elements have been used in the past decades in hundreds of publications. For the first time we compare results obtained with these four elements on a series of geodynamical benchmarks and applications and draw conclusions as to which are the best ones and which are to be preferably avoided.
Anna Johanna Pia Gülcher, Maxim Dionys Ballmer, and Paul James Tackley
Solid Earth, 12, 2087–2107,,, 2021
Short summary
Short summary
The lower mantle extends from 660–2890 km depth, making up > 50 % of the Earth’s volume. Its composition and structure, however, remain poorly understood. In this study, we investigate several hypotheses with computer simulations of mantle convection that include different materials: recycled, dense rocks and ancient, strong rocks. We propose a new integrated style of mantle convection including
blobs, and
streaksthat agrees with various observations of the deep Earth.
Olivier de Viron, Michel Van Camp, Alexia Grabkowiak, and Ana M. G. Ferreira
Solid Earth, 12, 1601–1634,,, 2021
Short summary
Short summary
As the travel time of seismic waves depends on the Earth's interior properties, seismic tomography uses it to infer the distribution of velocity anomalies, similarly to what is done in medical tomography. We propose analysing the outputs of those models using varimax principal component analysis, which results in a compressed objective representation of the model, helping analysis and comparison.
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Short summary
Heat flux heterogeneities at the bottom of Earth's mantle play an important role in the dynamic of the underlying core. Here, we study how these heterogeneities are affected by the global rotation of the Earth, called true polar wander (TPW), which has to be considered to relate mantle dynamics with core dynamics. We find that TPW can greatly modify the large scales of heat flux heterogeneities, notably at short timescales. We provide representative maps of these heterogeneities.
Heat flux heterogeneities at the bottom of Earth's mantle play an important role in the dynamic...