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Articles | Volume 9, issue 6
Research article
23 Nov 2018
Research article |  | 23 Nov 2018

Geomechanical modelling of sinkhole development using distinct elements: model verification for a single void space and application to the Dead Sea area

Djamil Al-Halbouni, Eoghan P. Holohan, Abbas Taheri, Martin P. J. Schöpfer, Sacha Emam, and Torsten Dahm

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Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 25, 3351–3395, https://doi.org/10.5194/hess-25-3351-2021,https://doi.org/10.5194/hess-25-3351-2021, 2021
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Preprint withdrawn

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Subject area: The evolving Earth surface | Editorial team: Rock deformation, geomorphology, morphotectonics, and paleoseismology | Discipline: Mineral and rock physics
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Abelson, M., Yechieli, Y., Baer, G., Lapid, G., Behar, N., Calvo, R., and Rosensaft, M.: Natural versus human control on subsurface salt dissolution and development of thousands of sinkholes along the Dead Sea coast, J. Geophys. Res.-Earth, 122, 1262–1277, https://doi.org/10.1002/2017JF004219, 2017.
Al-Halbouni, D., Holohan, E. P., Saberi, L., Alrshdan, H., Sawarieh, A., Closson, D., Walter, T. R., and Dahm, T.: Sinkholes, subsidence and subrosion on the eastern shore of the Dead Sea as revealed by a close-range photogrammetric survey, Geomorphology, 285, 305–324, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.geomorph.2017.02.006, 2017.
Arkin, A. and Gilat, Y.: Dead Sea sinkholes – an ever-developing hazard, Environ. Geol., 39, 711–722, 2000.
Baryakh, A. A., Stazhevskii, S. B., Timofeev, E. A., and Khan, G. N.: Strain state of a rock mass above Karst cavities, J. Min. Sci., 44, 531–538, 2008.
Baryakh, A. A., Rusin, E. P., Stazhevsky, S. B., Fedoseev, A. K., and Khan, G. N.: Stress-strain state of Karst areas, J. Min. Sci., 45, 3–10, 2009.
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Sinkholes are round depression features in the ground that can cause high economic and life...