Articles | Volume 11, issue 3
Research article
24 Jun 2020
Research article |  | 24 Jun 2020

Mapping undercover: integrated geoscientific interpretation and 3D modelling of a Proterozoic basin

Mark D. Lindsay, Sandra Occhipinti, Crystal Laflamme, Alan Aitken, and Lara Ramos

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This preprint is open for discussion and under review for Solid Earth (SE).
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Utilisation of probabilistic magnetotelluric modelling to constrain magnetic data inversion: proof-of-concept and field application
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loopUI-0.1: indicators to support needs and practices in 3D geological modelling uncertainty quantification
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Blockworlds 0.1.0: a demonstration of anti-aliased geophysics for probabilistic inversions of implicit and kinematic geological models
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Into the Noddyverse: a massive data store of 3D geological models for machine learning and inversion applications
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Related subject area

Subject area: Crustal structure and composition | Editorial team: Geodesy, gravity, and geomagnetism | Discipline: Geodynamics
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Revised manuscript not accepted
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Cited articles

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Short summary
Integrated interpretation of multiple datasets is a key skill required for better understanding the composition and configuration of the Earth's crust. Geophysical and 3D geological modelling are used here to aid the interpretation process in investigating anomalous and cryptic geophysical signatures which suggest a more complex structure and history of a Palaeoproterozoic basin in Western Australia.