Articles | Volume 13, issue 1
Method article
28 Jan 2022
Method article |  | 28 Jan 2022

On the choice of finite element for applications in geodynamics

Cedric Thieulot and Wolfgang Bangerth

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On the choice of finite element for applications in geodynamics. Part II: A comparison of simplex and hypercube elements
Cedric Thieulot and Wolfgang Bangerth
EGUsphere,,, 2024
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Benchmarking the accuracy of higher-order particle methods in geodynamic models of transient flow
Rene Gassmöller, Juliane Dannberg, Wolfgang Bangerth, Elbridge Gerry Puckett, and Cedric Thieulot
Geosci. Model Dev., 17, 4115–4134,,, 2024
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The effect of temperature-dependent material properties on simple thermal models of subduction zones
Iris van Zelst, Cedric Thieulot, and Timothy J. Craig
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Benchmark forward gravity schemes: the gravity field of a realistic lithosphere model WINTERC-G
Barend Cornelis Root, Josef Sebera, Wolfgang Szwillus, Cedric Thieulot, Zdeněk Martinec, and Javier Fullea
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Related subject area

Subject area: Mantle and core structure and dynamics | Editorial team: Geodynamics and quantitative modelling | Discipline: Geodynamics
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Quantifying mantle mixing through configurational entropy
Erik van der Wiel, Cedric Thieulot, and Douwe J. J. van Hinsbergen
Solid Earth, 15, 861–875,,, 2024
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On the impact of true polar wander on heat flux patterns at the core–mantle boundary
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Cited articles

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Arndt, D., Bangerth, W., Davydov, D., Heister, T., Heltai, L., Kronbichler, M., Maier, M., Pelteret, J.-P., Turcksin, B., and Wells, D.: The deal. II finite element library: Design, features, and insights, Comput. Math. Appl., 81, 407–422,, 2020. a
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Short summary
One of the main numerical methods to solve the mass, momentum, and energy conservation equations in geodynamics is the finite-element method. Four main types of elements have been used in the past decades in hundreds of publications. For the first time we compare results obtained with these four elements on a series of geodynamical benchmarks and applications and draw conclusions as to which are the best ones and which are to be preferably avoided.