Articles | Volume 14, issue 4
Research article
13 Apr 2023
Research article |  | 13 Apr 2023

Tectonic interactions during rift linkage: insights from analog and numerical experiments

Timothy Chris Schmid, Sascha Brune, Anne Glerum, and Guido Schreurs

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Subject area: Tectonic plate interactions, magma genesis, and lithosphere deformation at all scales | Editorial team: Geodynamics and quantitative modelling | Discipline: Tectonics
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Short summary
Continental rifts form by linkage of individual rift segments and disturb the regional stress field. We use analog and numerical models of such rift segment interactions to investigate the linkage of deformation and stresses and subsequent stress deflections from the regional stress pattern. This local stress re-orientation eventually causes rift deflection when multiple rift segments compete for linkage with opposingly propagating segments and may explain rift deflection as observed in nature.