Articles | Volume 15, issue 1
Research article
29 Jan 2024
Research article |  | 29 Jan 2024

Networks of geometrically coherent faults accommodate Alpine tectonic inversion offshore southwestern Iberia

Tiago M. Alves

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Earth Syst. Sci. Data Discuss.,,, 2024
Preprint under review for ESSD
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Subject area: Tectonic plate interactions, magma genesis, and lithosphere deformation at all scales | Editorial team: Structural geology and tectonics, paleoseismology, rock physics, experimental deformation | Discipline: Tectonics
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Cited articles

Alves, T. M. and Cunha, T. A.: A phase of transient subsidence, sediment bypass and deposition of regressive–transgressive cycles during the breakup of Iberia and Newfoundland, Earth Planet. Sc. Lett., 584, 168–183,, 2018. 
Alves, T. M., Gawthorpe, R. L., Hunt, D. H., and Monteiro, J. H.: Cenozoic tectono-sedimentary evolution of the western Iberian margin, Mar. Geol., 195, 75–108,, 2003. 
Alves, T. M., Moita, C., Cunha, T., Ullnaess, M., Myklebust, R., Monteiro, J. H., and Manuppella, G.: Diachronous evolution of Late Jurassic–Cretaceous continental rifting in the northeast Atlantic (west Iberian margin), Tectonics, 28, TC4003,, 2009. 
Amigo Marx, B., Fernández, O., Olaiz, A., Poblet, J., and Zamora, G.: On the influence of Variscan inheritance on rifting of the Western Iberian margin, Terra Nova, 34, 424–432,, 2022. 
Short summary
Alpine tectonic inversion is reviewed for southwestern Iberia, known for its historical earthquakes and tsunamis. High-quality 2D seismic data image 26 faults mapped to a depth exceeding 10 km. Normal faults accommodated important vertical uplift and shortening. They are 100–250 km long and may generate earthquakes with Mw > 8.0. Regions of Late Mesozoic magmatism comprise thickened, harder crust, forming lateral buttresses to compression and promoting the development of fold-and-thrust belts.