Articles | Volume 11, issue 5
Research article
13 Oct 2020
Research article |  | 13 Oct 2020

Long-wavelength late-Miocene thrusting in the north Alpine foreland: implications for late orogenic processes

Samuel Mock, Christoph von Hagke, Fritz Schlunegger, István Dunkl, and Marco Herwegh

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Revised manuscript not accepted
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Subject area: Tectonic plate interactions, magma genesis, and lithosphere deformation at all scales | Editorial team: Structural geology and tectonics, paleoseismology, rock physics, experimental deformation | Discipline: Tectonics
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Cited articles

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Baran, R., Friedrich, A. M., and Schlunegger, F.: The late Miocene to Holocene erosion pattern of the Alpine foreland basin reflects Eurasian slab unloading beneath the western Alps rather than global climate change, Lithosphere, 6, 124–131,, 2014. 
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Short summary
Based on thermochronological data, we infer thrusting along-strike the northern rim of the Central Alps between 12–4 Ma. While the lithology influences the pattern of thrusting at the local scale, we observe that thrusting in the foreland is a long-wavelength feature occurring between Lake Geneva and Salzburg. This coincides with the geometry and dynamics of the attached lithospheric slab at depth. Thus, thrusting in the foreland is at least partly linked to changes in slab dynamics.