Articles | Volume 11, issue 2
Research article
03 Apr 2020
Research article |  | 03 Apr 2020

Cenozoic deformation in the Tauern Window (Eastern Alps) constrained by in situ Th-Pb dating of fissure monazite

Emmanuelle Ricchi, Christian A. Bergemann, Edwin Gnos, Alfons Berger, Daniela Rubatto, Martin J. Whitehouse, and Franz Walter

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Subject area: Tectonic plate interactions, magma genesis, and lithosphere deformation at all scales | Editorial team: Structural geology and tectonics, paleoseismology, rock physics, experimental deformation | Discipline: Tectonics
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Cited articles

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Bergemann, C. A., Gnos, E., Berger, A., Whitehouse, M., Mullis, J., Wehrens, P., Pettke, T., and Janots, E.: Th-Pb ion probe dating of zoned hydrothermal monazite and its implications for repeated shear zone activity: An example from the Central Alps, Switzerland, Tectonics, 36, 671–689,, 2017. 
Bergemann, C. A., Gnos, E., Berger, A., Whitehouse, M. J., Mullis, J., Walter, F., and Bojar, H. P.: Constraining long-term fault activity in the brittle domain through in situ dating of hydrothermal monazite, Terra Nov., 30, 440–446,, 2018. 
Bergemann, C. A., Gnos, E., and Whitehouse, M. J.: Insights into the tectonic history of the Western Alps through dating of fissure monazite in the Mont Blanc and Aiguilles Rouges Massifs, Tectonophysics, 750, 203–212,, 2019. 
Short summary
This study investigates Cenozoic deformation during cooling and exhumation of the Tauern metamorphic and structural dome, Eastern Alps, through Th–Pb dating of fissure monazite-(Ce). Fissure (or hydrothermal) monazite-(Ce) typically crystallizes in a temperature range of 400–200 °C. Three major episodes of monazite growth occurred at approximately 21, 17, and 12 Ma, corroborating previous crystallization and cooling ages.