Articles | Volume 8, issue 2
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Inelastic compaction and permeability evolution in volcanic rock
Jamie I. Farquharson
Institut de Physique de Globe de Strasbourg (UMR7516 CNRS), EOST, Université de Strasbourg, France
Patrick Baud
Institut de Physique de Globe de Strasbourg (UMR7516 CNRS), EOST, Université de Strasbourg, France
Michael J. Heap
Institut de Physique de Globe de Strasbourg (UMR7516 CNRS), EOST, Université de Strasbourg, France
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Michael J. Heap
Geosci. Instrum. Method. Data Syst., 8, 55–61,,, 2019
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To better understand the influence of sample geometry on laboratory measurements of permeability, the permeabilities of sandstone samples with different lengths and diameters were measured. Despite the large range in length, aspect ratio, and volume, the permeabilities of the samples are near identical. This is due to a homogeneous porosity structure and the small grain/pore size with respect to the minimum tested diameter and length. More tests are now needed to help develop such guidelines.
M. J. Heap, P. Baud, P. G. Meredith, S. Vinciguerra, and T. Reuschlé
Solid Earth, 5, 25–44,,, 2014
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Mattia de' Michieli Vitturi, Antonio Costa, Mauro A. Di Vito, Laura Sandri, and Domenico M. Doronzo
Solid Earth, 15, 437–458,,, 2024
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We present a numerical model for lahars generated by the mobilization of tephra deposits from a reference size eruption at Somma–Vesuvius. The paper presents the model (pyhsics and numerics) and a sensitivity analysis of the processes modelled, numerical schemes, and grid resolution. This work provides the basis for application to hazard quantification for lahars in the Vesuvius area. To this end, we rely on results of the two companion papers (Part 1 on field data, Part 3 on hazard maps).
Laura Sandri, Mattia de' Michieli Vitturi, Antonio Costa, Mauro Antonio Di Vito, Ilaria Rucco, Domenico Maria Doronzo, Marina Bisson, Roberto Gianardi, Sandro de Vita, and Roberto Sulpizio
Solid Earth, 15, 459–476,,, 2024
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We study the lahar hazard due to the remobilization of tephra deposits from reference eruptions at Somma–Vesuvius. To this end, we rely on the results of two companion papers dealing with field data and model calibration and run hundreds of simulations from the catchments around the target area to capture the uncertainty in the initial parameters. We process the simulations to draw maps of the probability of overcoming thresholds in lahar flow thickness and dynamic pressure relevant for risk.
Mauro Antonio Di Vito, Ilaria Rucco, Sandro de Vita, Domenico Maria Doronzo, Marina Bisson, Mattia de' Michieli Vitturi, Mauro Rosi, Laura Sandri, Giovanni Zanchetta, Elena Zanella, and Antonio Costa
Solid Earth, 15, 405–436,,, 2024
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We study the distribution of two historical pyroclastic fall–flow and lahar deposits from the sub-Plinian Vesuvius eruptions of 472 CE Pollena and 1631. The motivation comes directly from the widely distributed impact that both the eruptions and lahar phenomena had on the Campanian territory, not only around the volcano but also down the nearby Apennine valleys. Data on about 500 stratigraphic sections and modeling allowed us to evaluate the physical and dynamical impact of these phenomena.
Ole Rabbel, Jörg Hasenclever, Christophe Y. Galerne, Olivier Galland, Karen Mair, and Octavio Palma
Solid Earth, 14, 625–646,,, 2023
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This work investigates the interaction between magma in the subsurface and the rocks and fluids that surround it. The study investigates how fluids containing hydrocarbons like methane are moving in the rocks surrounding the magma. We show that the generation of fractures in the cooling magma has a significant impact on the flow paths of the fluid and that some of the hydrocabons may be converted to graphite and stored in the fractures within the intrusions.
Daniel Basualto, Andrés Tassara, Jonathan Lazo-Gil, Luis Franco-Marin, Carlos Cardona, Juan San Martín, Fernando Gil-Cruz, Marcela Calabi-Floddy, and Cristian Farías
Solid Earth, 14, 69–87,,, 2023
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Infrequent eruptions of acidic magma are one of the most dangerous natural phenomena, but almost none of them have been witnessed by modern science. We present the first systematic characterization of seismicity recorded near an erupting acidic volcano (Cordón Caulle 2011). We define different phases of unrest and eruption, which combined with previous findings allows us to discuss the main processes associated with this type of violent eruption, with implications for their volcanic hazard.
Yan Lavallée, Takahiro Miwa, James D. Ashworth, Paul A. Wallace, Jackie E. Kendrick, Rebecca Coats, Anthony Lamur, Adrian Hornby, Kai-Uwe Hess, Takeshi Matsushima, Setsuya Nakada, Hiroshi Shimizu, Bernhard Ruthensteiner, and Hugh Tuffen
Solid Earth, 13, 875–900,,, 2022
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Volcanic eruptions are controlled by the presence of gas bubbles in magma, which, in excess, can cause explosions. Eruption models lack an understanding of how gas percolates in magma flowing in a conduit. Here we study gas percolation in magma associated with the 1994–1995 eruption at Mt. Unzen, Japan. The results show that the pathways for gas escape depend on the depth and ascent rate of magma. Pathways closed at depth but opened along fractures when magma ascended rapidly near the surface.
Jackie E. Kendrick, Lauren N. Schaefer, Jenny Schauroth, Andrew F. Bell, Oliver D. Lamb, Anthony Lamur, Takahiro Miwa, Rebecca Coats, Yan Lavallée, and Ben M. Kennedy
Solid Earth, 12, 633–664,,, 2021
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The last lava dome eruption of Mount Unzen (Japan) ended in 1995, but ongoing instability means much of the area remains an exclusion zone. The rocks in the lava dome impact its stability; heterogeneity (contrasting properties) and anisotropy (orientation-specific properties) can channel fluids and localise deformation, enhancing the risk of lava dome collapse. We recommend using measured material properties to interpret geophysical signals and to model volcanic systems.
Alessandro Tadini, Andrea Bevilacqua, Augusto Neri, Raffaello Cioni, Giovanni Biagioli, Mattia de'Michieli Vitturi, and Tomaso Esposti Ongaro
Solid Earth, 12, 119–139,,, 2021
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In this paper we test a simplified numerical model for pyroclastic density currents or PDCs (mixtures of hot gas, lapilli and ash moving across the landscape under the effect of gravity). The aim is quantifying the differences between real and modelled deposits of some PDCs of the 79 CE eruption of Vesuvius, Italy. This step is important because in the paper it is demonstrated that this simplified model is useful for constraining input parameters for more computationally expensive models.
Silvia Massaro, Roberto Sulpizio, Gianluca Norini, Gianluca Groppelli, Antonio Costa, Lucia Capra, Giacomo Lo Zupone, Michele Porfido, and Andrea Gabrieli
Solid Earth, 11, 2515–2533,,, 2020
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In this work we provide a 2D finite-element modelling of the stress field conditions around the Fuego de Colima volcano (Mexico) in order to test the response of the commercial Linear Static Analysis software to increasingly different geological constraints. Results suggest that an appropriate set of geological and geophysical data improves the mesh generation procedures and the degree of accuracy of numerical outputs, aimed at more reliable physics-based representations of the natural system.
Gianluca Norini and Gianluca Groppelli
Solid Earth, 11, 2549–2556,,, 2020
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We identified several problems in Urbani et al. (2020), showing that their model does not conform to the age and location of faulting, identification and delimitation of uplifted areas and apical depressions, temperature and lithological well log, and stratigraphic and radiometric data. Published data indicate that the pressurization of the Los Humeros volcanic complex (LHVC) magmatic–hydrothermal system driving resurgence faulting occurs at a greater depth.
Silvia Massaro, Antonio Costa, Roberto Sulpizio, Diego Coppola, and Lucia Capra
Solid Earth, 10, 1429–1450,,, 2019
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The Fuego de Colima volcano (Mexico) shows a complex eruptive history, with periods of rapid and slow lava dome growth punctuated by explosive activity. Here we reconstructed the 1998–2018 average discharge rate by means of satellite thermal data and the literature. Using spectral and wavelet analysis, we found a multi-term cyclic behavior that is in good agreement with numerical modeling, accounting for a variable magmatic feeding system composed of a single or double magma chamber system.
Qiliang Sun, Christopher A.-L. Jackson, Craig Magee, Samuel J. Mitchell, and Xinong Xie
Solid Earth, 10, 1269–1282,,, 2019
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3-D seismic reflection data reveal that deepwater volcanoes have rugged basal contacts, which truncate underlying strata, and erupted lava flows that feed lobate lava fans. The lava flows (> 9 km long) account for 50–97 % of the total erupted volume. This indicates that deepwater volcanic edifices may thus form a minor component (~ 3–50 %) of the extrusive system and that accurate estimates of erupted volume require knowledge of the basal surface of genetically related lava flows.
Thomas M. Belgrano, Larryn W. Diamond, Yves Vogt, Andrea R. Biedermann, Samuel A. Gilgen, and Khalid Al-Tobi
Solid Earth, 10, 1181–1217,,, 2019
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We present an updated geological map of the volcanic rocks present in the north-east Oman mountains. These volcanic rocks erupted at the seafloor, probably above a young subduction zone, and have since been tectonically transported into their accessible position. The updated map allows us to examine the spatial relationships between the different volcanic and geological features, including copper, gold, and chrome deposits. The new map will aid further study in Oman and other similar settings.
Florian Dinger, Stefan Bredemeyer, Santiago Arellano, Nicole Bobrowski, Ulrich Platt, and Thomas Wagner
Solid Earth, 10, 725–740,,, 2019
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Evidence for tidal impacts on volcanism have been gathered by numerous empirical studies. This paper elucidates whether a causal link from the tidal forces to a variation in the volcanic degassing can be traced analytically. We model the response of a simplified magmatic system to the local tidal gravity variations, find that the tide-induced dynamics may significantly alter the bubble coalescence rate, and discuss the consequences for volcanic degassing behaviour.
Rebecca Coats, Jackie E. Kendrick, Paul A. Wallace, Takahiro Miwa, Adrian J. Hornby, James D. Ashworth, Takeshi Matsushima, and Yan Lavallée
Solid Earth, 9, 1299–1328,,, 2018
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Lava domes are mounds of viscous lava and their collapse can cause deadly pyroclastic flows. This paper looks at the example of Mt. Unzen in Japan. Using novel experimental techniques, we discovered that crystals and bubbles in the lava make it behave differently to what was previously thought and that it becomes weaker and more susceptible to collapse as it cools. This calls for a review of current models, allowing for better failure prediction of lava domes in the future.
Janine L. Kavanagh, Samantha L. Engwell, and Simon A. Martin
Solid Earth, 9, 531–571,,, 2018
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Modelling has been used in the study of volcanic systems for more than 100 years, building upon the approach first described by Sir James Hall in 1815. Models are informed by observations of volcanic processes in nature, including eye-witness accounts of eruptions, monitoring of active volcanoes, and analysis of ancient deposits. To push the frontiers in volcanology we must adopt a multidisciplinary approach, with more interaction between analogue and numerical modelling communities.
Lucia Gurioli, Andrea Di Muro, Ivan Vlastélic, Séverine Moune, Simon Thivet, Marina Valer, Nicolas Villeneuve, Guillaume Boudoire, Aline Peltier, Patrick Bachèlery, Valérie Ferrazzini, Nicole Métrich, Mhammed Benbakkar, Nicolas Cluzel, Christophe Constantin, Jean-Luc Devidal, Claire Fonquernie, and Jean-Marc Hénot
Solid Earth, 9, 431–455,,, 2018
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We prove here that macroscopic and microscopic studies of emitted pyroclastic and effusive products provide valuable information to track and understand small explosive eruptions for hazard and risk assessment. This is especially true for Piton de La Fournaise, La Réunion, whose activity has recently been characterized by effusive and mild explosive activity in highly visited areas. We confirm that petrological monitoring is essential to forecast changes in the magmatic system.
Florian Dinger, Nicole Bobrowski, Simon Warnach, Stefan Bredemeyer, Silvana Hidalgo, Santiago Arellano, Bo Galle, Ulrich Platt, and Thomas Wagner
Solid Earth, 9, 247–266,,, 2018
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We monitored the bromine monoxide-to-sulfur dioxide molar ratio in the effusive gas plume of Cotopaxi volcano in order to gain insight into the geological processes which control the pressure regime of the volcanic system. We observed a conspicuous periodic pattern with a periodicity of about 2 weeks, which significantly correlates with the Earth tidal forcing. Our results support a possible Earth tidal impact on volcanic activity, in particular for the Cotopaxi eruption 2015.
Manuel Queißer, Domenico Granieri, Mike Burton, Fabio Arzilli, Rosario Avino, and Antonio Carandente
Solid Earth, 8, 1017–1024,,, 2017
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Campi Flegrei is a volcanic caldera that is currently in a state of increased unrest. We used a novel remote-sensing approach to measure CO2 fluxes at the Campi Flegrei. Thanks to its comprehensive spatial coverage, the instrument used gives more representative measurements from large regions containing different CO2 sources. We find an increase in CO2 degassing strength. This suggests a greater contribution of the magmatic source to the degassing.
Jorge Eduardo Romero, Guilhem Amin Douillet, Silvia Vallejo Vargas, Jorge Bustillos, Liliana Troncoso, Juan Díaz Alvarado, and Patricio Ramón
Solid Earth, 8, 697–719,,, 2017
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The 1 February 2014 eruption of the Tungurahua volcano (Ecuador) was the second largest one since the re-awakening in 1999. The eruption showed precursory signs only 48 h before the eruption. The main explosions produced a 13 km eruptive column and pyroclastic density currents that reached the base of the volcano.
Here we document the deposits related to the eruption and infer eruption mechanisms and transport processes.
Donald B. Dingwell, Yan Lavallée, Kai-Uwe Hess, Asher Flaws, Joan Marti, Alexander R. L. Nichols, H. Albert Gilg, and Burkhard Schillinger
Solid Earth, 7, 1383–1393,,, 2016
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Here, we use tomography to reconstructed the pores of erupted pumice and understand the evolution of gas bubbles in magma. Analysis of the pore geometry is used to describe whether the pores where aligned by stretching as ascending magma is pulled apart (pure shear) or sheared like a deck of card (simple shear). We conclude that the latter, simple shear, dominates during magma ascent up to the points where magma fragments to cause an explosion.
A. Coco, J. Gottsmann, F. Whitaker, A. Rust, G. Currenti, A. Jasim, and S. Bunney
Solid Earth, 7, 557–577,,, 2016
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We present a numerical model to evaluate ground deformation and gravity changes as a response of the hydrothermal system perturbation (unrest) in a volcanic area. Temporal evolution of the ground deformation indicates that the contribution of thermal effects to the total uplift is almost negligible with respect to the pore pressure contribution during the first years, of the unrest, but increases in time and becomes dominant after a long period of the simulation.
O. D. Lamb, S. De Angelis, K. Umakoshi, A. J. Hornby, J. E. Kendrick, and Y. Lavallée
Solid Earth, 6, 1277–1293,,, 2015
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In this paper we analyse the seismic record during the extrusion of a lava spine at Unzen volcano, Japan, in 1994. We find two strong groups of similar volcanic earthquakes which, combined with previously published field and experimental observations, we interpret as repetitive fracturing along the margin of the lava spine. This work demonstrates the potential of combining these different approaches for achieving a greater understanding of shallow volcanic processes.
K. Strehlow, J. H. Gottsmann, and A. C. Rust
Solid Earth, 6, 1207–1229,,, 2015
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When magma chambers inflate, they deform the surrounding Earth’s crust. This deformation affects the pore space available for the water in local aquifers, which in turn leads to pressure variations and water table changes. We can observe these changes in wells, and this study investigates if and how we can utilize them for volcano monitoring. Results show that the hydrological response to deformation helps unravelling subsurface magmatic processes, valuable information for eruption forecasting.
B. Bernard, U. Kueppers, and H. Ortiz
Solid Earth, 6, 869–879,,, 2015
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This paper presents a new methodology to treat statistically pyroclast density and porosity data sets introducing a weighting parameter. It also proposes a stability analysis to check if the sample set is large enough for statistical reliability. Finally we introduce graphical statistics to improve distinction between pyroclastic deposits and understanding of eruptive dynamics. An open source R code is supplied that includes all these features in order to facilitate data processing.
F. Braz Machado, E. Reis Viana Rocha-Júnior, L. Soares Marques, and A. J. Ranalli Nardy
Solid Earth, 6, 227–241,,, 2015
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This study describes for the first time morphological aspects of lava flows and structural characteristics caused by lava-sediment interaction in the northwestern Paraná continental flood basalts in the southeast of the South American Plate (Brazil). Early Cretaceous (134 to 132Ma) tholeiitic rocks were emplaced on a large intracratonic Paleozoic sedimentary basin (Paraná Basin), mainly covering dry eolian sandstones (Botucatu Formation).
Y. Moussallam, N. Peters, C. Ramírez, C. Oppenheimer, A. Aiuppa, and G. Giudice
Solid Earth, 5, 1341–1350,,, 2014
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In this paper we characterise the flux and composition of the gas emissions from Turrialba Volcano. We show that the measured gas signature provides evidence that Turrialba Volcano has entered an open-vent configuration with magmatic gases being emitted. This suggests that the hydrothermal system at the summit is quickly drying up and that the system is moving from a hydrothermal to a magmatic end member with implications for short-term monitoring and possible evolution of the state of unrest.
P. Lübcke, N. Bobrowski, S. Arellano, B. Galle, G. Garzón, L. Vogel, and U. Platt
Solid Earth, 5, 409–424,,, 2014
T. J. Jones, J. K. Russell, L. A. Porritt, and R. J. Brown
Solid Earth, 5, 313–326,,, 2014
J. E. Kendrick, Y. Lavallée, K.-U. Hess, S. De Angelis, A. Ferk, H. E. Gaunt, P. G. Meredith, D. B. Dingwell, and R. Leonhardt
Solid Earth, 5, 199–208,,, 2014
M. Pantaleo and T. R. Walter
Solid Earth, 5, 183–198,,, 2014
A. C. F. Luchetti, A. J. R. Nardy, F. B. Machado, J. E. O. Madeira, and J. M. Arnosio
Solid Earth, 5, 121–130,,, 2014
M. J. Heap, P. Baud, P. G. Meredith, S. Vinciguerra, and T. Reuschlé
Solid Earth, 5, 25–44,,, 2014
A. LaRue, D. R. Baker, M. Polacci, P. Allard, and N. Sodini
Solid Earth, 4, 373–380,,, 2013
S. B. Mueller, N. R. Varley, U. Kueppers, P. Lesage, G. Á. Reyes Davila, and D. B. Dingwell
Solid Earth, 4, 201–213,,, 2013
N. Bobrowski and G. Giuffrida
Solid Earth, 3, 433–445,,, 2012
S. Lepore and C. Scarpati
Solid Earth, 3, 161–173,,, 2012
O. Sigmarsson, I. Vlastelic, R. Andreasen, I. Bindeman, J.-L. Devidal, S. Moune, J. K. Keiding, G. Larsen, A. Höskuldsson, and Th. Thordarson
Solid Earth, 2, 271–281,,, 2011
A. Aiuppa, M. Burton, P. Allard, T. Caltabiano, G. Giudice, S. Gurrieri, M. Liuzzo, and G. Salerno
Solid Earth, 2, 135–142,,, 2011
D. Giordano, M. Polacci, P. Papale, and L. Caricchi
Solid Earth, 1, 61–69,,, 2010
E. Peruzzo, M. Barsanti, F. Flandoli, and P. Papale
Solid Earth, 1, 49–59,,, 2010
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Short summary
In volcanic rock, permeability is the property that tells us how efficiently fluids such as gas or water can travel through cracks and frozen bubbles in the rock (its porosity) and is important in the context of volcanic activity. This study addresses how permeability evolves under a range of mechanical experimental conditions. We show that with a small amount of porosity loss (compaction), permeability can increase. However, with more compaction, permeability can decrease significantly.
In volcanic rock, permeability is the property that tells us how efficiently fluids such as gas...