Articles | Volume 16, issue 2
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Quaternary surface ruptures of the inherited mature Yangsan Fault: implications for intraplate earthquakes in southeastern Korea
Sangmin Ha
Department of Geological Sciences, Pusan National University, Busan 46241, South Korea
Department of Geography Education, Korea University, Seoul 02841, South Korea
Hee-Cheol Kang
Department of Geological Sciences, Pusan National University, Busan 46241, South Korea
Institute of Geohazard Research, Pusan National University, Busan 46241, South Korea
Seongjun Lee
Department of Geological Sciences, Pusan National University, Busan 46241, South Korea
Department of Geotechnology & Infrastructure, Byucksan Engineering, Seoul 08380, South Korea
Yeong Bae Seong
Department of Geography Education, Korea University, Seoul 02841, South Korea
Jeong-Heon Choi
Research Center of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Korea Basic Science Institute, Chungbuk 28119, South Korea
Seok-Jin Kim
Research Center of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Korea Basic Science Institute, Chungbuk 28119, South Korea
Conservation Science Division, National Research Institute of Cultural Heritage, Daejeon 34122, South Korea
Moon Son
Department of Geological Sciences, Pusan National University, Busan 46241, South Korea
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Earth Surf. Dynam., 12, 1091–1120,,, 2024
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Topographic metrics were used to understand changes due to tectonic activity. We evaluated the relative tectonic activity along the Ulsan Fault Zone (UFZ), one of the most active fault zones in South Korea. We divided the UFZ into five segments, based on the spatial variation in activity. We modeled the landscape evolution of the study area and interpreted tectono-geomorphic history during which the northern part of the UFZ experienced asymmetric uplift, while the southern part did not.
Cho-Hee Lee, Yeong Bae Seong, John Weber, Sangmin Ha, Dong-Eun Kim, and Byung Yong Yu
Earth Surf. Dynam., 12, 1091–1120,,, 2024
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Topographic metrics were used to understand changes due to tectonic activity. We evaluated the relative tectonic activity along the Ulsan Fault Zone (UFZ), one of the most active fault zones in South Korea. We divided the UFZ into five segments, based on the spatial variation in activity. We modeled the landscape evolution of the study area and interpreted tectono-geomorphic history during which the northern part of the UFZ experienced asymmetric uplift, while the southern part did not.
Chinmay Dash, Yeong Bae Seong, Ajay Kumar Singh, Min Kyung Lee, Jae Il Lee, Kyu-Cheul Yoo, Hyun Hee Rhee, and Byung Yong Yu
Clim. Past Discuss.,,, 2024
Revised manuscript not accepted
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This study explores sediment core RS15-LC47 from the Ross Sea over the past 800,000 years, examining changes in sea-ice dynamics and deposition environments. It integrates various data to reveal shifts related to Circumpolar Deep Water influx and Antarctic currents, particularly during significant climate transitions. Results highlight potential West Antarctic Ice Sheet collapses in warmer periods, offering new insights into the area's paleoclimate and sedimentary processes.
Purevmaa Khandsuren, Yeong Bae Seong, Hyun Hee Rhee, Cho-Hee Lee, Mehmet Akif Sarikaya, Jeong-Sik Oh, Khadbaatar Sandag, and Byung Yong Yu
The Cryosphere, 17, 2409–2435,,, 2023
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The Cryosphere, 15, 5447–5471,,, 2021
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Regional centroid moment tensor inversion of small to moderate earthquakes in the Alps using the dense AlpArray seismic network: challenges and seismotectonic insights
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Effects of finite source rupture on landslide triggering: the 2016 Mw 7.1 Kumamoto earthquake
Fabian Kutschera, Alice-Agnes Gabriel, Sara Aniko Wirp, Bo Li, Thomas Ulrich, Claudia Abril, and Benedikt Halldórsson
Solid Earth, 15, 251–280,,, 2024
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We present a suite of realistic 3D dynamic rupture earthquake–tsunami scenarios for the Húsavík–Flatey Fault Zone in North Iceland and compare one-way linked and fully coupled modeling workflows on two fault system geometries. We find that our dynamic rupture simulation on a less segmented strike-slip fault system causes local tsunami wave heights (crest to trough) of up to ~ 0.9 m due to the large shallow fault slip (~ 8 m), rake rotation (± 20°), and coseismic vertical displacements (± 1 m).
Wei Li, Megha Chakraborty, Jonas Köhler, Claudia Quinteros-Cartaya, Georg Rümpker, and Nishtha Srivastava
Solid Earth, 15, 197–213,,, 2024
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Seismic phase picking and magnitude estimation are crucial components of real-time earthquake monitoring and early warning. Here, we test the potential of deep learning in real-time earthquake monitoring. We introduce DynaPicker, which leverages dynamic convolutional neural networks for event detection and arrival-time picking, and use the deep-learning model CREIME for magnitude estimation. This workflow is tested on the continuous recording of the Turkey earthquake aftershock sequences.
Sebastian Hellmann, Melchior Grab, Cedric Patzer, Andreas Bauder, and Hansruedi Maurer
Solid Earth, 14, 805–821,,, 2023
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Acoustic waves are suitable to analyse the physical properties of the subsurface. For this purpose, boreholes are quite useful to deploy a source and receivers in the target area to get a comprehensive high-resolution dataset. However, when conducting such experiments in a subsurface such as glaciers that continuously move, the boreholes get deformed. In our study, we therefore developed a method that allows an analysis of the ice while considering deformations.
Zahra Zali, Theresa Rein, Frank Krüger, Matthias Ohrnberger, and Frank Scherbaum
Solid Earth, 14, 181–195,,, 2023
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Investigation of the global Earth's structure benefits from the analysis of ocean bottom seismometer (OBS) data that allow an improved seismic illumination of dark spots of crustal and mantle structures in the oceanic regions of the Earth. However, recordings from the ocean bottom are often highly contaminated by noise. We developed an OBS noise reduction algorithm, which removes much of the oceanic noise while preserving the earthquake signal and does not introduce waveform distortion.
Jerome Azzola, Katja Thiemann, and Emmanuel Gaucher
EGUsphere,,, 2022
Preprint archived
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Distributed Acoustic Sensing is applied to the micro-seismic monitoring of a geothermal plant. In this domain, the feasibility of managing the large flow of generated data and their suitability to monitor locally induced seismicity was yet to be assessed. The proposed monitoring system efficiently managed the acquisition, processing and saving of the data over a 6-month period. This testing period proved that the monitoring concept advantageously complements more classical monitoring networks.
Roberto Cabieces, Mariano S. Arnaiz-Rodríguez, Antonio Villaseñor, Elizabeth Berg, Andrés Olivar-Castaño, Sergi Ventosa, and Ana M. G. Ferreira
Solid Earth, 13, 1781–1801,,, 2022
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This paper presents a new 3D shear-wave velocity model of the lithosphere of northeastern Venezuela, including new Moho and Vp / Vs maps. Data were retrieved from land and broadband ocean bottom seismometers from the BOLIVAR experiment.
Megha Chakraborty, Wei Li, Johannes Faber, Georg Rümpker, Horst Stoecker, and Nishtha Srivastava
Solid Earth, 13, 1721–1729,,, 2022
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Earthquake magnitude is a crucial parameter in defining its damage potential, and hence its speedy determination is essential to issue an early warning in regions close to the epicentre. This study summarises our findings in an attempt to apply deep-learning-based classifiers to earthquake waveforms, particularly with respect to finding an optimum length of input data. We conclude that the input length has no significant effect on the model accuracy, which varies between 90 %–94 %.
Carola Leva, Georg Rümpker, and Ingo Wölbern
Solid Earth, 13, 1243–1258,,, 2022
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The seismicity of Fogo and Brava, Cape Verde, is dominated by volcano-tectonic earthquakes in the area of Brava and volcanic seismic signals, such as hybrid events, on Fogo. We locate these events using a multi-array analysis, which allows the localization of seismic events occurring outside the network and of volcanic signals lacking clear phases. We observe exceptionally high apparent velocities for the hybrid events located on Fogo. These velocities are likely caused by a complex ray path.
Michal Chamarczuk, Michal Malinowski, Deyan Draganov, Emilia Koivisto, Suvi Heinonen, and Sanna Rötsä
Solid Earth, 13, 705–723,,, 2022
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In passive seismic measurement, all noise sources from the environment, such as traffic, vibrations caused by distant excavation, and explosive work from underground mines, are utilized. In the Kylylahti experiment, receivers recorded ambient noise sources for 30 d. These recordings were subjected to data analysis and processing using novel methodology developed in our study and used for imaging the subsurface geology of the Kylylahti mine area.
Thierry Camelbeeck, Koen Van Noten, Thomas Lecocq, and Marc Hendrickx
Solid Earth, 13, 469–495,,, 2022
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Over the 20th century, shallow damaging seismicity occurred in and near the Hainaut coal mining area in Belgium. We provide an overview of earthquake parameters and impacts, combining felt and damage testimonies and instrumental measurements. Shallower earthquakes have a depth and timing compatible with mining activity. The most damaging events occurred deeper than the mines but could still have been triggered by mining-caused crustal changes. Our modelling can be applied to other regions.
Bogdan Grecu, Felix Borleanu, Alexandru Tiganescu, Natalia Poiata, Raluca Dinescu, and Dragos Tataru
Solid Earth, 12, 2351–2368,,, 2021
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The lockdown imposed in Romania to prevent the spread of COVID-19 has significantly impacted human activity across the country. By analyzing the ground vibrations recorded at seismic stations, we were able to monitor the changes in human activity before and during the lockdown.
The reduced human activity during the lockdown has also provided a good opportunity for stations sited in noisy urban areas to record earthquake signals that would not have been recorded under normal conditions.
Alessio Spurio Mancini, Davide Piras, Ana Margarida Godinho Ferreira, Michael Paul Hobson, and Benjamin Joachimi
Solid Earth, 12, 1683–1705,,, 2021
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The localization of an earthquake is affected by many uncertainties. To correctly propagate these uncertainties into an estimate of the earthquake coordinates and their associated errors, many simulations of seismic waves are needed. This operation is computationally very intensive, hindering the feasibility of this approach. In this paper, we present a series of deep-learning methods to produce accurate seismic traces in a fraction of the time needed with standard methods.
Itzhak Lior, Anthony Sladen, Diego Mercerat, Jean-Paul Ampuero, Diane Rivet, and Serge Sambolian
Solid Earth, 12, 1421–1442,,, 2021
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The increasing use of distributed acoustic sensing (DAS) inhibits the transformation of optical fibers into dense arrays of seismo-acoustic sensors. Here, DAS strain records are converted to ground motions using the waves' apparent velocity. An algorithm for velocity determination is presented, accounting for velocity variations between different seismic waves. The conversion allows for robust determination of fundamental source parameters, earthquake magnitude and stress drop.
Gesa Maria Petersen, Simone Cesca, Sebastian Heimann, Peter Niemz, Torsten Dahm, Daniela Kühn, Jörn Kummerow, Thomas Plenefisch, and the AlpArray and AlpArray-Swath-D working groups
Solid Earth, 12, 1233–1257,,, 2021
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The Alpine mountains are known for a complex tectonic history. We shed light onto ongoing tectonic processes by studying rupture mechanisms of small to moderate earthquakes between 2016 and 2019 observed by the temporary AlpArray seismic network. The rupture processes of 75 earthquakes were analyzed, along with past earthquakes and deformation data. Our observations point at variations in the underlying tectonic processes and stress regimes across the Alps.
Rebecca O. Salvage and David W. Eaton
Solid Earth, 12, 765–783,,, 2021
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Small earthquakes in Alberta and north-east British Columbia have been previously ascribed to industrial activities. The COVID-19 pandemic forced almost all these activities to stop for ~ 4 months. However, unexpectedly, earthquakes still occurred during this time. Some of these earthquakes may be natural and some the result of earthquakes > M6 occurring around the world. However, ~ 65 % of the earthquakes detected may be the remnants of previous fluid injection in the area (
latent seismicity).
Jordi Diaz, Mario Ruiz, and José-Antonio Jara
Solid Earth, 12, 725–739,,, 2021
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During the COVID-19 pandemic lockdown, the city of Barcelona was covered by a network of 19 seismometers. The results confirm that the quieting of human activity during lockdown has resulted in a reduction of seismic vibrations. The different lockdown phases in Barcelona are recognized consistently at most of the seismic stations. Our contribution demonstrates that seismic noise can be used as a free and reliable tool to monitor human activity in urban environments.
Raphael S. M. De Plaen, Víctor Hugo Márquez-Ramírez, Xyoli Pérez-Campos, F. Ramón Zuñiga, Quetzalcoatl Rodríguez-Pérez, Juan Martín Gómez González, and Lucia Capra
Solid Earth, 12, 713–724,,, 2021
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COVID-19 pandemic lockdowns in countries with a dominant informal economy have been a greater challenge than in other places. This motivated the monitoring of the mobility of populations with seismic noise throughout the various phases of lockdown and in the city of Querétaro (central Mexico). Our results emphasize the benefit of densifying urban seismic networks, even with low-cost instruments, to observe variations in mobility at the city scale over exclusively relying on mobile technology.
Alexandr Smirnov, Marine De Carlo, Alexis Le Pichon, Nikolai M. Shapiro, and Sergey Kulichkov
Solid Earth, 12, 503–520,,, 2021
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Seismic and infrasound methods are techniques used to monitor natural events and explosions. At low frequencies, band signal can be dominated by microbaroms and microseisms. The noise observations in the Kazakh network are performed and compared with source and propagation modeling. The network is dense and well situated for studying very distant source regions of the ambient noise. The prospects are opening for the use of ocean noise in solid Earth and atmosphere tomography.
Andrea Cannata, Flavio Cannavò, Giuseppe Di Grazia, Marco Aliotta, Carmelo Cassisi, Raphael S. M. De Plaen, Stefano Gresta, Thomas Lecocq, Placido Montalto, and Mariangela Sciotto
Solid Earth, 12, 299–317,,, 2021
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During the COVID-19 pandemic, most countries put in place social interventions, aimed at restricting human mobility, which caused a decrease in the seismic noise, generated by human activities and called anthropogenic seismic noise. In densely populated eastern Sicily, we observed a decrease in the seismic noise amplitude reaching 50 %. We found similarities between the temporal patterns of seismic noise and human mobility, as quantified by mobile-phone-derived data and ship traffic data.
Tieyuan Zhu, Junzhu Shen, and Eileen R. Martin
Solid Earth, 12, 219–235,,, 2021
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We describe the Fiber Optic foR Environmental SEnsEing (FORESEE) project in Pennsylvania, USA, the first continuous-monitoring distributed acoustic sensing (DAS) fiber array in the eastern USA. With the success of collecting 1 year of continuous DAS recordings using nearly 5 km of telecommunication fiber underneath the university campus, we conclude that DAS along with telecommunication fiber will potentially serve the purpose of continuous near-surface seismic monitoring in populated areas.
Sebastian von Specht, Ugur Ozturk, Georg Veh, Fabrice Cotton, and Oliver Korup
Solid Earth, 10, 463–486,,, 2019
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We show the landslide response to the 2016 Kumamoto earthquake (Mw 7.1) in central Kyushu (Japan). Landslides are concentrated to the northeast of the rupture, coinciding with the propagation direction of the earthquake. This azimuthal variation in the landslide concentration is linked to the seismic rupture process itself and not to classical landslide susceptibility factors. We propose a new ground-motion model that links the seismic radiation pattern with the landslide distribution.
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Short summary
Unlike episodic plate boundary earthquakes, their randomness makes predicting intraplate earthquakes challenging. This study aids in understanding intraplate earthquake behavior by analyzing paleo-earthquake records of the Yangsan Fault in Korea. Five trench sites revealed six Quaternary earthquakes, the latest 3000 years ago, with Mw 6.7–7.1. The right-lateral fault has a 0.13 mm yr-1 slip rate and a recurrence interval of over 13000 years; it has been continuously active since the Quaternary.
Unlike episodic plate boundary earthquakes, their randomness makes predicting intraplate...