Articles | Volume 11, issue 6
Research article
09 Nov 2020
Research article |  | 09 Nov 2020

Using horizontal-to-vertical spectral ratios to construct shear-wave velocity profiles

Janneke van Ginkel, Elmer Ruigrok, and Rien Herber

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Subject area: Crustal structure and composition | Editorial team: Seismics, seismology, paleoseismology, geoelectrics, and electromagnetics | Discipline: Seismology
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Cited articles

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Short summary
Knowledge of subsurface velocities is key to understand how earthquake waves travel through the Earth. We present a method to construct velocity profiles for the upper sediment layer on top of the Groningen field, the Netherlands. Here, the soft-sediment layer causes resonance of seismic waves, and this resonance is used to compute velocities from. Recordings from large earthquakes and the background noise signals are used to derive reliable velocities for the deep sedimentary layer.