Articles | Volume 7, issue 2
Research article
12 Apr 2016
Research article |  | 12 Apr 2016

Numerical models for ground deformation and gravity changes during volcanic unrest: simulating the hydrothermal system dynamics of a restless caldera

A. Coco, J. Gottsmann, F. Whitaker, A. Rust, G. Currenti, A. Jasim, and S. Bunney

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Short summary
We present a numerical model to evaluate ground deformation and gravity changes as a response of the hydrothermal system perturbation (unrest) in a volcanic area. Temporal evolution of the ground deformation indicates that the contribution of thermal effects to the total uplift is almost negligible with respect to the pore pressure contribution during the first years, of the unrest, but increases in time and becomes dominant after a long period of the simulation.