Articles | Volume 15, issue 7
Research article
22 Jul 2024
Research article |  | 22 Jul 2024

Extraction of pre-earthquake anomalies from borehole strain data using Graph WaveNet: a case study of the 2013 Lushan earthquake in China

Chenyang Li, Yu Duan, Ying Han, Zining Yu, Chengquan Chi, and Dewang Zhang

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Subject area: Crustal structure and composition | Editorial team: Seismics, seismology, paleoseismology, geoelectrics, and electromagnetics | Discipline: Seismology
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Short summary
This study advances the field of earthquake prediction by introducing an extraction method for pre-seismic anomalies based on the structure of Graph WaveNet networks. We believe that our study makes a significant contribution to the literature as it not only demonstrates the effectiveness of this innovative approach in integrating borehole strain data from multiple stations but also reveals distinct temporal and spatial correlations preceding earthquake events.