Articles | Volume 4, issue 2
Research article
31 Oct 2013
Research article |  | 31 Oct 2013

Crustal 3-D geometry of the Kristineberg area (Sweden) with implications on VMS deposits

P. Skyttä, T. Bauer, T. Hermansson, M. Dehghannejad, C. Juhlin, M. García Juanatey, J. Hübert, and P. Weihed

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Cited articles

Allen, R. L., Weihed, P., and Svenson, S.-Å.: Setting of Zn-Cu-Au-Ag massive sulfide deposits in the evolution and facies architecture of a 1.9 Ga marine volcanic arc, Skellefte District, Sweden, Econ. Geol., 91, 1022–1053, 1996.
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Bauer, T. E., Skyttä, P., Allen, R. L., and Weihed, P.: Syn-extensional faulting controlling structural inversion – Insights from the Palaeoproterozoic Vargfors syncline, Skellefte mining district, Sweden, Precambrian Res., 191, 166–183, 2011.
Bauer, T. E., Skyttä, P., and Hermansson, T.: Correlation between distribution and shape of VMS deposits, and regional deformation patterns, Skellefte district, northern Sweden, Miner Deposita, in review, 2013.
Bergman Weihed, J.: Palaeoproterozoic deformation zones in the Skellefte and the Arvidsjaur areas, northern Sweden, in: Economic Geology Research 1, edited by: Weihed, P., Sveriges Geologiska Undersökning, C 833, 46–68, 2001.